A Bit Cold Tonight - 05/31/20
It's a clear if not somewhat chilly night. Luna's Tavern is bustling, the sounds of livened conversation heard even outside the building itself. Wandering out of 'said Tavern a pair of blue-haired lovers walk out. One a hyur, the other an au'ri, a chocobo chick nestling between them. The woman, dark as the shadows, stops not two yalms away from the door. She's lost in thought, staring up at the night sky.
“We should probably avoid bringing work out here if we can help it. Luna is a particular sort, and I imagine we're going to catch hell if someone mentions the chick being in there tonight.” Tret walked a few places past Blue, stopping when he realized she had done so. The dark eye of his yellow helmet turned sideways towards her as he continued “But I can deal with a scolding. It may not even be worth the mention, what with that carbuncle running around with menus and drinks.” He watched her for a few moments, then turned around fully to face her again “Blue? What's on your mind, eh?”
Blue pets the slumbering chick gently, though she doesn't look at her partner just yet. A pause, a breath. “It all just kind of reminds me of them.” She eyes Tretesta back, a slow soft smirk at his chocobo-helmeted self. Them of the lost world. Them of their companions. Them of their misadventures lingering at another bar in another place with other people and growing ever close - only for it all to disappear without a trace. “It's been years now in this world. Is this to be our Grotto?”
The helmet was pulled back off, hooked into his belt, and then Tret crossed his arms, looking up at the Hearth From Home “There's always going to be another Grotto, Blue. I know it was home. We've both known several homes and many friends. Lost some of them to time and distance.” He'd take a few steps, gravel crunching under foot before he was in range to place a hand on Blue's shoulder, squeezing softly. “I'm not giving up on a return, but I certainly do not hate it here like I did. Besides, I've still got you out here. I'll make anywhere home with you.”
Blue pursed her lips softly at his words, leaning into his hand a bit. “I know you're right, really I do. It's been years and we've established ourselves and made a life here. I'm thinking too hard about it .” She hugs the slumbering bird to her chest before bringing a hand up to cup Tretesta's cheek. “But even now you must have questions about why this has happened. That it's not normal and that we shouldn't be here.” She leans in closer, kisses his cheek, and pulls him over to the bench in front of the tavern to take a seat. “The trees tell me I shouldn't be alive because I have no aether. Does that mean we're both dead in this world?”
“Of course there are questions and I still want answers. This has been far too long of a game.” With a sigh, Tret flopped down onto the bench and rubbed his forehead, eyes closed “I'd believe we're… alien. Foreign. Unknown. But I still feel rather alive right now. Food and drink taste good, I get banged up here and there, and I 'think' I'm alive. Therefore I must be, neh?” He paused, smiled, and then chuckled as a thought crossed his mind “Oh my. Let's keep the musings of the trees to ourselves. Perhaps we're one of those voidsent. I think I heard they don't have any aether… either…” He trailed off on that last musing, smile slowly disappearing.
Blue nodded thoughtfully at his words, though the mere mention of voidsent brought a frown to her lips. “Well, you and I have only seen a handful of those sorts from our odd job days. Who's to say some of those proclaimed voidsent aren't in the same predicament as we are?” She gently set the chick down on the bench before turning to face Tret, placing a hand on his knee. “It's easier for you to blend in, Love. I always feel like I'm hiding. Nothing quite like me exists here, and the only ones that know that secret are you and the deepest depths of The Shroud. Just..gets to me sometimes.” She looks over at the Tavern entrance. 'Those folks seem quite nice in there. I'd like to get to know them better. But they'll never get to know me.“
“I don't discount your trouble, really. We should get to know them better, outside of visiting here and occasionally selling them livestock. Some of them may listen to our story, even believe it. But who you are, I am, isn't just what we look like or how we blend.” He placed a hand upon hers upon him and leaned backto hang his head over the fence, staring at the sky. “And if they don't like what they see or hear, we move on and leave. It will feel bad for a bit, but we also won't be around forever anyway. I'll drop everything and nearly anyone for the chance to leave. But… it will be both or not at all. Not going to do something stupid and noble like send you along by yourself. I'm just selfish like that.” He grinned, pulling his head back upright to look at her and give her a wink as well “besides. Maybe one of us is just in a coma somewhere. This is all a bad dream and it doesn't matter. Let's make the most of it til we wake up.”
Blue tsked at the man, bapping him playfully on the nose. “Don't say such things. That was never put into question. We're pretty inseparable and I'd like to see it stay that way.” She sighed a moment and stared up at the sky. “You're right. We'll get to know them better. With all the craziness this realm has gone through before and after us, maybe a shapeshifter and a human from another world isn't that crazy to comprehend. And there's plenty secluded areas in the Twelvewoods where I can take off my mask for a while.” Blue turned her grabbed hand upward, curling her fingers around the spaces between his own. “Long as we're in for the ride together, that's all that matters to me. Oh! I almost forgot! I volunteered you for something fuuuun!”
With a sigh, Tret pulled his helmet back off his belt and sat it on his other knee “No, certainly not all that wild for a world of gods born from belief. And an obscene amount of colored rocks. Alright then, just what have you gotten me into this time? Hoping it's less dangerous than that goblin thing last month…”
Blue broke into a grin at the mention of the Goblins, scaly tail a-wag. “Oh you know you secretly enjoyed working with them, collecting all those thingy-ma-bobs and whats-its. Who knew that monster would get angry with all the rummaging going on around its nest?”
She gave a shrug before continuing. “No, this one should be easy! It's a pirate adventure!” Trying desperately hard to keep it down for the sleeping baby, the woman rears her free hand back and up with a whispered “Yay!” She continues. “It seems that a scholar lost a very important piece of parchment that could change the very future of Eorzea! That's what he said at least. He was on a clifftop in La Noscea, proud of his achievement, before accidentally dropping it on top of a Serpent Reaver ship sailing by. Now the bad guys have it! We- You must help them!” Blue winks “May need some help though. I'll tend to the birds in your stead.”
“That really sounds like something I would convince some kid with his first battle axe to go and deal with. In fact, I may just try to pawn this off on one…” The helmet was donned back upon Tret's head, and he'd stand up, scooping up with little hatchling and tucking it under one of the flaps of his robes “I'd ask Gair, but he has enough pirate troubles. Luna… maybe. Pipino says she's handy with a gun. Erina… maybe, for the right price. Maybe I'll have to stake out the adventurer's guild after all for someone wanting to make a name for themselves.” Turning back around to Blue, Choco-man offered her a hand up “But its getting late. Lets head back to the Mizzenmast, shall we?”
Blue gives a pouty look “You could absolutely make a name for yourself too though. Just think! Defender of Eorzea – raiser of only the best Chocobos in the realm. Come get one today!” She smirks and nods though, rising up from the bench as well. “Plus, the scholar was quite particular with his reward, and it would be quite a nice birthday present for me.” She’d pursue the topic further if a yawn hadn’t escaped. It was rather late. “Alright, let’s go home dearest. You’re on hatchling duty tonight though, you promised!” The Xaela would follow after Tret and the chick, skipping ahead and doubling back, and skipping ahead again, to the point where she would be quite exhausted by the time they reached the Mizzenmast.
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