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Alkaid Scene List
Doll - During a particular visit to the manor, Blue comes across curious Alkaid ; Veldi drops in being Veldi. Blue shares her secret. [Blue, Alkaid, Veldi]
- 09/02/20
A Quiet Walk in the Shroud - Tretesta takes a leisurely walk through the Shroud, only to find himself followed by a certain curious being. [Alkaid, Tretesta]
- 09/24/20
Second Starlight - Just your average Starlight Party at the Abigor Household. [Eligor, Novine, Veldi, Blue, R'Lamiza, Tretesta, P'Lami, Alkaid, Raziel, Pheria]
- 12/27/20
Regaining My Pride - After disappearing from her loved ones, A'erina finally reaches out via linkpearl for help and companionship. [A'erina, F'loki, Luna, Astra, Alkaid, Lucatiel]
- 02/16/21
We Tumble - Astra comes across a strangely-suited Miqo'te with a familiar voice during her climb in Gyr Abania [Alkaid, Astra]
- 04/16/21
Mechina - R'asha stops by Eligor's lab to ask for his aid in replacing her mechanical parts with living flesh and the ability to conceive. [R'asha, Eligor, R'esha, Alkaid]
- 05/22/22
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