Another Encounter - 03/23/21


Within Maelstrom Command…

Eligor emerges from the back rooms of the Maelstrom headquarters, escorted by a rather tall Roegadyn woman. Rather than a uniform, he was very clearly dressed in a frilly pink coat with a fur collar and a fancy choker around his neck. The two were clearly acquainted with one another, and as he turned to leave she saw him off with a swift salute, which he actively ignored. Having apparently completed his business, he began to leave the area.


Out front of Maelstrom Command Orchard seemed to be busy berating someone, or rather ordering a messenger to berate someone else for her. “Ah don’ care if the Firmament got them back up, as was promised guns an ah expect bleeding’ gun ye tell them I’ll come up there meself if I hafta.” She ordered the messenger away, seeming content with the implied threat. She stood out amongst the Maelstrom, farm more heavily armored than the soldiers moving about her, all of who gave the stocky woman a fair berth. As she turned she spotted Eligor and could help but raise a brow as he walked by. Amber colored eyes lingering. “Bit warm fer a coat innit?”


He stops, observing Orchard quietly.

“Armored plate is better?”


Orchard takes of her helmet, a jet black looking metal with few markings. “Yer gonna tell me that’s a uniform?”


“No, it’s a gift. If regulation is demanding you suffer from heat exhaustion then perhaps you should be submitting a complaint to the proper authorities.”


She snorts. “Only thin’ exhaustin’ me is the number of excuses them Ishgardians keep comin’ up with. But ain’t no use boring a poor lad like you with that business. Ye jus’ caught me eye is all. Think ah seen you before.”


“You were at the grindstone when I happened to be nearby. Just a face from the crowd.”


“Aye well there ain’t a great many of us folks there so ye stood out, basically knew all the rest ‘cept fer ye. Seems ah stuck out same ways considering how quick ye answered that.”


“I tend to remember faces is all. Especially if they are near someone else I know.”

He crossed his arms.

“How long ago did you join the Maelstrom? Must have been some time ago.”


“Hafta be a few summers at this point. Guess that was a easy one too considerin’ me garb. Don’t scream ‘rank and file’ does it?”


“More that you’ve been around long enough for people not to like you and clearly not having enough authority to say something about it.”

As if to show his point, he nods to the people actively avoiding entering Orchard’s proximity.

“I’ve seen scarier faces receive less caution so it must be your personality.”


Orchard frowns for a moment then reach down to her belt and takes a wood pick out that was tucked away, sticking it between her triangular teeth and chewing idly. “Aye well looks innit everythin’. Even if ah am rough round the hull what’s it tae ye?”


“Nothing at all to me, I’m just a harmless citizen. I was wondering where you might be from however. You certainly seem Limsan enough but it’s hard to tell just by looks, as you put it.”


“Aye ah’m Limsa, born and raise. Ye seem like yer a prim n proper lad wit yer clean words. Ye native yerself?”


“Not a native, no. I moved due to circumstance and have only recently begun the process of remedying that.”

He shrugs. “I will say that am relieved however. I was almost worried that you were another one, but given the time and connections, it simply should not be possible without some extensively intricate magic, and I doubt that could have gone unnoticed.”


She cocks her head a little. “‘Nother one ah what lad?”


“Family would be the short of it.”


She lets out a short, sharp laugh. “Don’ hold yer breath. Ah was adopted, ain’t got no blood family far as ah know. We don’ look exactly like cousins neither.”


He observes her quietly for a long while before opening his mouth wide enough to reveal his sharp teeth.

“Are yours natural?”


Pauses chewing on her pick and leans forward inspecting him a bit closer. “Well lookit yer, fine set ye got… cannae rightly tell ye. Had’em long as I can remember. Even grow back when one gits knocked loose.”


“So likely yes.”

He exhales through his nose. “I do not really care either way. Blood means nothing without context to give value.”


“Ye use’em?” She asked standing back up straight.




”Fightin’, huntin’, eating.”


“I need to eat to live so yes. Beyond that I’m simply a harmless citizen. Might as well add spineless to that list as well.”


“Seven hells ye want a pistol ta shoot yerself in the foot wit while yer at it? Figure ye got some sorta spine ta say ah got a rotten personality straight too me.”


“I never said your personality was rotten. It could have been your intensity that causes others to scurry away like stowaways.”


“Hah! It’s a sailor’s personality lad, anyone what likes it is either drunk, tryin’ ta get me pants off, or both.”


“I suppose I was never a sailor then.”


“No ye don’ really lookit do ye. Bit ah extra gold on ye and you’d fit wit my husband’s ol lot.”


“Ive reached capacity for being dressed up for now I’m afraid.”

“Can’t say I’ve heard of you however. Doing important work behind the scenes while everyone else gets the glory?”


“Ah that’s fine! Langston comes from them bleed in’ monetarist, damn feathercaps.”

“Oh ah ain’t no spy or nothin’ ah do special forces, work wit the other grand companies.”


He runs his chin. “Hmm….Is your husband a blonde man? Fond of drinking?”


“Aye blond as sand. Cannae say he could keep pace wit me but he can hold a drink aye.”


“…..Also a Lalafell I assume?”


“Aye, bit’ve an odd name fer a lalafell ah git told. Can’t say much considerin’ me own name.”


He uncrosses his arms and looks towards the distance, his tone changed somewhat.

“We should stop speaking to one another then. Have a pleasant evening.”


“Eh? What ye know Lan?”


“I know him enough. I’ve a promise to keep related to him, and by extension also you as it turns out.”


“Buggar that ye ain’t promised nothin’ tae me. Ain’t even got yer name.”


“It’s probably best that way don’t you think? Names tend to complicate things ive found. Like just now for example.”


“Lad ye got teeth like mine an’ ye know me husband. That’s already a mite strange an’ now ye suddenly wanna leave port?”


“Yes. I do think I’ve kept you from your work long enough considering. Special forces sounds quite important. And busy.”

He begins walking off with a single half-wave.

[Orchard] Orchards sniff and frowns again. “Alrigh’ take off if ye want. Ah can’ just hunt you down later.”


He stops. “Hunt meaning what exactly?”


“I track people lad. Specially the sort what don’ wanna be found.” She puts her helmet on as she turns away. “Well off wit ye.”


“Sounds like a waste of Maelstrom resources to stalk and hound a citizen simply for going about their business. Were I to receive such unfair treatment I might be of a mind to submit a formal complaint. I’m afraid it is my duty as a citizen to make certain the powers that be do not see fit to abuse their people.”


“What I do in me own time ain’ Maelstrom business. Now ye enjoy the rest ah yer day Ser.” She waves a hyur in a officer’s coat over and begins conversing with them, talking out delivering a shipment of arms to Gimlyet.


He laughs and walks away, disappearing into the crowd.

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