Missing in Action - 07/20/20
Novine wasn't one to really keep up with people but exciting news was exciting news, and it would come to no surprise that she felt the need to brag to anyone and everyone remotely close to her.
“Hey you, Tadashi. You around?”
Tad glances around the woods as he walks. Had he just heard Novine? Thinking over it for a few moments he realized that she could contact him through his linkpearl. Reaching for it, calls back
“Yes Novine. Did you need something? I just left Gridania, so I can turn around for you.”
Novine's little mischievous laugh is heard through the linkpearl.
“Wow, you're really serious about this whole thing my father's put you on! It's pretty tempting to make you come aaaaaalll the way back.”
Tad grins a little to himself.
“As you wish milady. I will turn around…”
Novine's voice paused for a moment.
“Nah, you don't need to do all that. But! I did wanna share the news. I won the Spellstone!” Her voice is animated and probably the cheeriest she has ever sounded.
It was Tad's turn to pause. Upon hearing how excited Novine was, Tad raised his eyebrows. Though the two had not spoken much, Tad has gained the impression that Novine was not one to be this cheerful about things.
“Congratulations! Now I am even more confident in my decision to learn from you and your father. I take it you are happy, but how did he take it. If I recall he seemed a little… disappointed by the fact that you had not won yet.”
“Ah… yeah, I dunno yet. He's been busy so I've been waiting for a good moment to tell him. Part of me thinks he's just going to treat it like that's how it should've been the whole time and not be all that impressed but… it'd be nice if he thought it was a big deal. You should've heard all the mages there!” She laughs, the haughty look on her face fairly audible. “I told my one opponent he was weak, and the judge got on my case about how I needed to win first before I could start talking smack about people. The last opponent was all 'I am the Queen of the Stone!' and I was all 'Oh yeah? Well, I'm gonna melt your crown off your head!' ”
Raises an eyebrow as Novine recounts her boastfulness, but decides to say nothing. Instead he grins, and decides to play along.
“You certainly showed them. Winning it all with such confidence. How did the Queen take being dethroned? Or anyone else for that matter?”
“Well the fight lasted a pretty long time and she was pretty tough, but she didn't even land a hit on me the entire time! So afterwards she was all being mysterious and stuff.” She makes her voice a bit lower and more serious. “ 'I do not say things like this often. You deserved that win.' Then people came up to me and were asking about my techniques and stuff! It was like… *finally* people are starting to notice I'm not some weak little girl playing with magic tricks.”
Tad laughs a little as Novine imitates the voice. “Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.”
Dropping to a more serious tone he continues. “I get that you want people not to underestimate you, but sometimes that is a good thing. Let's you finish fights quicker as they underestimate you. And do be careful milady, you may have attracted some… unwanted attention.”
After pausing for a moment Tad hesitates, before asking, “If you don't mine me asking Novine, why did you accept my request to be your pupil?”
“Well, would it be too weird if I said curiosity? Sometimes I just like feeling like I started something, like… Like seeing the ripples you make when you throw a stone into a pond, y'know? I used to make lots and lots of waves in my past, but now, it's hard to even make a tiny little ripple. For example, wouldn't it be cool if this random guy became something pretty amazing just 'cause I got him started? I like creating things like that.”
Tad grins to himself.
“It would not be weird milady. After all, the thing that brought us together was curiosity. That being said, I have two issues with making waves. The first being that I prefer people not to notice me. Makes things easier on everyone. Second, I would prefer not to have more of an impact then you, because that isn't my job. If anything, I would prefer to leave ripples where you were dropped so you get the credit, and I am unknown. But if it is your wish, then very well. I shall make waves for you.”
“Well, I mean, let's not get too deep into this whole metaphor we've got going. You can make a lotta waves by being invisible too! I don't think what I think would be fun and might want someday and what you want can't both be true, y'know? Now, I've got nothing specific in mind, but say you were asked to kill some big shot, like… I dunno, the Sultana. Even if no one saw you, even if you did it perfectly without a trace, think of all the things that could happen to the world just by doing that one thing! So much potential for change and entropy and just.. it's crazy how much people waste that power and potential. So I guess you coming up to me and wanting to take it, it was kinda refreshing!”
Tad arrives at a fork in the road, and pulls out his map, checking where to go, and pausing to think. Putting his map away, he pauses more to think about the question.
“I hadn't thought about it that way. And I guess it makes sense. I never really concern myself with the effects of my actions, because it's not my job, and doesn't really effect me. Thinking about it now, it does make sense that killing someone that important would have major effects on people… Though I must ask, how do people waste this power? Wouldn't the every day person prefer to have consistency and a normal so they don't need to worry about their future?”
“They waste it 'cause even if you like a normal life, you end up at the mercy of chance for it to stay the way you like it. If you don't make waves of your own to disrupt the waves of someone else's then your pathetic little peace is gunna get crushed. People live normal lives until someone who has more power comes and takes it from them. You've gotta hone your potential for when you need it the most. If you're all complacent, you should be worrying every second of every day, cause someone can easily upend your consistency just cause they think it'd be fun.”
Tad goes silent, reflecting on his past, before finally deciding upon, “I see what you mean. I was once powerless and unable to defend against the ripples of the world. But now I stand on my own two feet, and ride whatever waves are thrown at me. However, I don't feel that everyone has this desire or luxury. Some people don't know better, or what is available to them. And perhaps they live their lives without such fear. It does seem better to be able to seize your own future and help forge it down the path you want it to go though.”
Novine laughs. “Yeah, I mean, those people are weak though! And it's fine if you wanna be weak and pray to a bunch of gods and hope they help you…. But yeah, I've grown up to believe you've gotta keep growing, keep advancing always. Always gotta be improving. You seem to be on board with that! Gotta seize your opportunities and not be a victim.”
She pauses. “Where've you been anyway? Not like I want you following me around all the time, just haven't seen you in a bit.”
Tad grins, taking on a playful tone “Why? Do you miss me? One of the books your father lent me described how conjurers need to envision their elements, so I figured I would start there. I already went to La Noscea to learn a bit about earth magic, and now am going to somewhere called the Sea of Clouds to observe wind and water aether. I just left Gridania, so we will see how long it takes.”
“Why would I miss you? Not like we're best friends or anything. That building does get a bit lonely with as big as it is if other people aren't in it though, so I guess it's been nice having someone else in there hitting the books. But, you know, that's what I did actually to learn about aether. I came from somewhere where the rules didn't feel the same so… I had to learn how it all works. So I just wandered all over to places with different aspects and different flow and observed things until I figured out what the rules are, what you can and can't do. And now I know the basics, I'm just trying to push those boundaries and see how far I can go. Hopefully you'll find something like that works. Plus it's just kinda nice to get out and look at stuff. Eorzea's a pretty nice place to look at.”
Feigning disappointment, Tad responds “You don't miss me?”.
Then, lightening up, he responds more jovially, “I am glad to know I am not totally crazy then. I still need to learn the basics, but then I want to push the boundaries faster and further then you. That way we both have fun learning.”
Pausing, Tad thinks over what he has seen on his travels so far.
“I didn't like La Noscea too much. Just seemed… worse then home. Like the land tried a little, but the salt killed off just enough that the vegetation is sparse and there aren't big trees.”
Novine giggles, seemingly amused by his little challenge. “Wow, faster than me! You're a dangerous bugger, aren't you?” Another giggle follows that. “But really, not a fan of the ocean? You really can't beat the views in La Noscea if you're into that kinda thing. It's one of the places that reminds me of my home. Now that I've got some money to buy a lyre, I think I'm gonna go out on a pier somewhere and just… play the day away. It's been such a long time since I've done that!”
Tad smiles broadly, amused that Novine considered his challenge. “Indeed. It's no fun if you sit at the top with no one but yourself to push you higher. And as for the ocean, I don't know. Back home I had a good view of the ocean, but never really explored because I had nothing to do there. I found the mountains much more appealing.”
Then, a note of confusion enters his voice. “A… lyre? I am unfamiliar with the term. But it must be something nice if it makes entire days fly by.”
“Oh, it's just like a small harp thing. Makes it easy to travel around with. Maybe I'll play you something one of these days! I'm pretty good at it, y'know.”
“Then I look forward to hearing you perform. Perhaps when I return I can tell you about what I have seen and learned, and you may play for me.”
“Alright, sounds good. I'll only play if you can show me something cool though, so consider that your reward!”
Tad grins. “Consider it a deal!”
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