Pest Problem - 05/27/21
Lami stormed into the hall of the building that she once knew as the school, the silver nexus, looking about frantically. ”NOVINE WE NEED TA TALK.NOW.“
While she was normally quiet, the Shinobi cat had thrown subtly to the wind as she started to look high and low for anyone that might be able to point her towards her quarry.
The people studying in the library, the crew working on the wall, the individuals eating in the cafeteria, and some of the soldiers spectating sparring matches all stopped as Lami stormed into the building shouting. People looked over the railing of the balcony and every eye was looking at Lami with wariness, confusion, and suspicion.
From a door in the back of the building, Pipino of all people emerged, dressed in her fine uniform and clutching a clipboard to her chest, looking a bit worried and frazzled.
“Everything is alright! As you were everyone, I shall take care of it,” she says, managing a calm smile and giving the assembled soldiers a dismissive way. The seem placated by this response, glad that someone else was handling with a smile, unphased by the potential urgency.
She looks up to Lami, standing in the entryway. “I really would appreciate it if you did not make my life here any harder by shouting ominous words at the very individuals whose morale I am tasked with preserving. But, anyway, I received a report that she is brooding downstairs should you like to speak with her. I have not yet personally visited her yet, but I intend to at some point because…well, her behavior right now is… how shall I put this delicately? She is feeling a bit… tender about things. I have heard nothing from the basement except the slamming of books for the thirty minutes or so. You have been warned.”
Lami paused as she saw there where, in fact, People here. Something she had forgotten was possible. She gave a somewhat apologetic nod of the head as Pipino came strolling up to her.
“Sorry…I was not expecting…people…er should I say I'm not used ta there bein'…people here.” She gave the walls a quick perusing before continuing with a small nod.”Well…What I got ta tell her is rather important and her mood can wait.“ She said folding her arms over her chest she'd move past Pipino.
“Ya where the last person I expected ta see…glad ya seem ta be…doin' alright.” She said with a casual wave as she made her way down the steps. Walking past a spot she paused and stared at for a few moments as if recalling a time long past before continuing down the staircase.
Reaching the bottom without making much noise she'd snoop around the basement like Lab. Having only been down here a few times before this. Hoping Alkaid wasn't stretched out somewhere like she had been during her previous visit.
Pipino watched over her shoulder in a slightly annoyed way, having been blown off so easily, but she simply just sighed and walked off to talk with the people repairing the wall.
Researchers in similar uniforms to the individuals upstairs could be seen bustling in the laboratory if one looked into the main work area, many of them holding glowing mugs as they worked, comparing notes and observing monitors.
Novine, however, could only be found buried and surrounded by a pile of stacked books in the classroom, only the top of her silvery blonde hair visible. She was leaned against the bookshelf with her face in a permanent scowl as she flipped through the pages in an irritated yet determined way.
Lami found her quarry and made her way over. Not exactly finding the need to wave she simply stoped a comfortable distance away. “Oi. Got a minute?”
Is all she said folding her arms over her chest she watched the silver hair’d Lala go about her angry reading.
She let her eyes wonder over the books that surrounded her trying to find if she could get an idea on what kind of book could cause such angrily determined reading.
“I guess. The worst has pretty much already happened so it's not like a minute'll make it any worse,” she says in a huff, lowering the book.
“Eligor just got done…. havin’ a chat with me. And he wants me ta do a job.” Seeming to cringe abit as she said “chat” but decided Novine was the type to not really care about the content to terribly much Liz
“He wants me. Ta find the Sanctuary.” She said simply.”And I got a peak at what’s goin’ on in that head of his. He’s always been… odd. But this was… well fucked.”
She dropped the book and gave Lami a stern look. “And you're not gonna actually do that for him are you?”
Lami snorted. “Of course not. But however. He said sumthin’ that makes me want ta find it… fer me own reasons. That it will help with the fusion er whatever the term was he used… er they used… since whatever that thin’ is ain’t Eligor… “
“That place isn't a place for you to just visit 'cause you want to. It's the place where my sisters are being kept safe and if you figure out where it is, I bet he'll find out one way or another. It's best you don't know. And I dunno what fusion you're talking about, but fuck your fusion and personal gain if it's gonna create a path to my sisters. He can't be allowed to be there. Just think: monster that can feed off of people and take over their bodies hoppin' up to a Sanctuary where there's a whole bunch of people willing to fling themselves at his body since he's the High Priest? They're not gonna know anything's different with him. I bet he's gonna try and get them on his side, infect them, and try n' spread his power that way. Those people have no minds of their own. They'll just blindly follow him to wherever. You really comfortable possibly creating a bridge to that much of a power source for him?”
Lami looked at Novine for a few moments before sighing. ”No. I don’t want ta da that. Me point is he seeks it. And as ya say. He’s gonna find it one way er another. I’m well aware of what it represents.”
Lami held up a finger.”And this fusion was his werds not mine. I’d like ta prevent it if at all possible hence me reason fer wantin’ ta go there. If there is sumthin’ there he seeks ta help him. Stands a chance there’s sumthin’ there that may be able ta da the reverse. And get whatever the fuck it is out of him, but yet again. I don’t know much ‘bout this thin’ inside em. I only learned of it well this past night as he just sought me out fer this job. Alon’ with one other that isn’t nearly as problematic.
Folding her arms over her chest. ”BUT, regardless of yer…. assumptions I do want ta rid yer old man of this thin’ the sanctuary has fairly significant meanin’ ta meself as well so I’d very much like it ta stay out of his grasp.”
“Father's gone right now. Nothing that's being said is him. Everything that thing says is to benefit it, not my Father. Nothing in the Sanctuary is gonna help him. Father knows where the Sanctuary is, and he's managed to keep it hidden from that thing despite it being privy to all his thoughts. It's going find it through you one way or another if you go, not on its own. Father made that place, n' he'd know if there was anything that could've stopped it. He's been fighting that thing too long to let something so easy go by the wayside. If it could find the Sanctuary on its own, it'd just do that and not ask you to do it. Don't be blinded by what it looks like.”
Her words were laced with significant distrust, vitriol, and pessimism. “I know I'm not gonna help you find it. If you find it anyway, and if you end up betraying us all by somehow letting that thing know? Just know I'll personally make sure you don't make any mistakes like that in the future. I've had that thing in my head and I know how it works. It's manipulative n' conniving, and it'll try anything to earn your trust.”
Lami groaned.”Yes. I know that.“ She pursed her lips. “It” is sayin' that sumthin' in Sanctuary will help “it” do a full take over. Since yer father is still in there.”It“ doesn't have full control.” Lami sneered.“So no. I don't intend ta help “It” find it. I figured informin' ya of it's aims might help in sum fashion. But it seems me input is unwanted. So ferget it.”
Lami shoved off the wall and turned on her heals moving to leave.“I'll do thin's my way then. Since apparently yer convinced I want ta help “It” with whatever “its” Aims are. I guess I won't bother with lettin' ya know what “it” wants from me.” Ears flattening and scowling at her.“Make yer threats all ya like. But we both know, we are gonna have far more pressin' matters on our hands if “It” Actually does get what “It” wants. Trust me er not. Don't fuckin' care. But, I'd much rather have Eligor then “It” as thin's stand. Least Eligor doesn't do creepy shite like “It” does.” She said with a growl before she moved to depart properly from the room.
“Well no shit. I'd rather have my Father back too, but y'know, sometimes that requires not interacting with the thing that's currently holding him hostage. Father's in there, n' he's watching, but he's got no say right now. He's not giving you breadcrumbs to be his savior so stop thinking he's giving you hints about what to do. Your input is fine, just your idea absolutely sucks and is too risky. I said what I said and I meant it so just be REAL sure about what you decide to do.”
Lami sighed.”Alright. Fine. I see yer point.” Stopping as she almost stormed off. “So… what am I supposed ta da? Nothin’?”
Sighing again after this.”Are we just supposed ta wait till it’s obvious that it’s our time ta rip that thin’ out?” Drumming on her chin abit.”There’s gotta be sumthin’…”
“Dunno yet. Pheria n' I plan on fighting it if it comes around. It's got a survival instinct and will run away to protect itself so something'll probably do the trick, but… I'm gonna talk to Yami, whose probably fought it the longest out of everyone n' see if she's got ideas. But for now?” she motions to her books. “I'm thinking, n' learning, n' giving Father a chance to fight for himself while I do that. Everyone keeps telling me to do that, n' it drives me nuts. Maybe it's somethin' about Eitr with us, but we're bad at not doing anything but the worst has happened already so at this point? Gotta be careful.”
“Also, I dunno if you know of her yet, but that thing's infected the woman who made the drug I guess. Dunno if she's lying or not, but… be careful. It's already spreading.”
“I do know her…But I did not know that “it” had infected her…Which ta be honest puts me brother on the potential possession list….”
Lami turned and looked at Novine now.“Fuck it. Cause this might be important later. Or it could be tryin' ta toy with me but ta be honest it makes me extremely uncomfortable and I'd like ta know. “IT” Told me that it loved me and desired nothin' more then ta hold me close till it was satisfied. And I'm not sure how ta take that but it fucked with me head.”
Folding her arms over her chest as if to somewhat hug herself.“So it's abit concernin'. So perhaps there is sum selfish motivation ta get that thin' the fuck outta Eligor but either way. If I can help I will…But I'll drop the Sanctuary hunt. Least in earnest. I'll have ta…Try me hand at lyin' 'bout findin' anythin' ta it…”
“'Ppreciate it. That thing'll say anything to get you on its side. It told me it wants to teach me things as my parent and all that kinda stuff too, and the second I rejected it, it got all dastardly on me. Don't hold those words important. It has access to some of Father's memories n' will know stuff about you, know stuff that'll make you want to join it, but you've gotta stay firm.”
“Trust me. Gettin' confessed ta. If it was anyone else….Might have werked…Scary that it knows that much 'bout me….” She nodded abit. “I'll do me best ta…keep myself from gettin' convinced of doin' anything I shouldn't.”
“Wow, that weak? Gotta have some principles n' not let other people push you around so mucb. Anyway, lemme know if you find anything that might help.”
Lami shrugged.“Suppose that's….not sumthin' I can deny.” She turned then resumed her course up and out of the estate, Provided she was not stopped by anymore.
She let her go this time, pulling he knees up and eating the book on them, letting her go.
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