Red Sea Adventure - 12/15/20
Lami stood atop the Cry as it lurched away from the dock, Her eyes scanning for something unseen amongst the going ons of the busy port city. She had bags under her eyes having not slept throughout the night constantly up drinking in an attempt to medicate herself to slumber to no avail.
Having spent most of the night watching the city lights she was glad to be rid of the stress. Her crewman scurried about their stations as her First Mate took over for their exhausted Captain.
She hung over the wheel of the ship. Her eyes still trained on their target looking rather grim having seen something that did not booed well for their continued journey but she knew now what she had to do. Not wanting to disturbed her friends night sleep she spent her night outside of the cabin not entirely sure what the Xaela did if she was not asleep.
Blue had been slow to leave the captain's quarters, though it wasn't necessarily because she was asleep. The Xaela knew where she would find her feline friend, but she took some time to delay, also staring out at Kugane as it began to recede from sight and the distance grew.
Normally buoyant and bouncy, Blue kept her enthusiasm in check as she spotted the captain and made to lean against a railing nearby.
“G'morning Lami!” Blue smiled at her, tail coiling about the rail behind her.
Lami looked away from the port. “Good mornin, Blue. Ya sleep well?” she'd ask finally shoving herself off from the railing to turn to her friend. “On our way ta the red sea now.”
“..Kinda!” She observes the Miquo'te after a moment, cocking her head to the side. “But…you look like you should lay down yourself. You sure you can't get one of your crew to steer the boat?”
lami shook her head. “Nah. I'll be…fine. Not the first time I've gone on little sleep. Just me and me thoughts keepin' me up at night is all.” She said with a sway of her tail. “So, Never been ta the red sea 'efore, Right?”
Blue absently scratches at her cheek scales. “I'm not certain. What makes a sea red? How do you know when you get out of the normal sea? If we did…which we mighta, it was a long time agos, like years! I don't remember much and we didn't stay long.” The Xaela purses her lips, seeming to have more she wanted to say.
“We probably shouldn't have stayed that extra night…”
Lami looked at her. “Why?” She said plain and simply. She didn’t seem to be pleased with what blue might have said.
Blue puffs up her cheeks. Where to even begin? Her eyes glance around the pair of them just in case anyone might be of earshot before she starts with the tried and true - “I….may have sorta made friends with some enemies.”
She looks up, thinking briefly. “Erm, yeah, some big enemies.”
“Enemies that know about the grimoire user, so I imagine they're familiar with all the other things that follow.”
“But! To be fair, they found me first! And then I went where they told me to go and we talked about more stuff.”
“But it's probably all bad, isn't it?”
Blue frowns and flattens her ears.
Lami just looked at her. “You. Did WHAT.”She almost screamed the what at her. “Are you TRYING to get us killed? Do you have any idea what you just..” She clenched her fists and just stomped her foot. “Wonderful!” She shouted as she kicked a nearby crate.“Now we are involved. I hope your happy.” she said with a glare. “No wonder I felt like we where being watched. I thought it was just our dagger finding friends but it appears I was off by a large margin!” she looked at her first mate who had heard the yelling and simply sighed walking downstairs for some unspoken reason. Lami was clearly furious as she begain to pace scratching at the back of her head. Now grumbling to herself. “No. No she doesn- I am not yelling at her - FINE! Maybe a little! What was I supposed to do? Jump for joy that we are now once again going to be doing more fucked up shit? Hurray! As if the last time was a joyous time as well!” Which may have sounded odd to Blue as her normal accent was no where to be found as she seemingly had an internal dialogue, out loud.
Blue stared down at the ground, mostly to conceal the hurt look on her face, rubbing at her wrist awkwardly as her fins flicked at the loudness and the stomping and the kicking. She wasn't exactly sure what to make of it when the woman began monologuing to herself but after a bit of that the Xaela stamped her foot down and finally looked up.
“I'm sorry, I really am! There's no excuse..” She wiped at her eyes a bit before dropping her hands to her sides and standing firm. “They'd already been watching me before all this. They knew of Veldi..sort of. They know her enough for me to have wanted to know more in spite of the risks. I would have supported her even if I knew nothing at all, but I couldn't help it.”
The girl started wringing her hands. “I gave away a little bit of information…and I hope it's too little for them to make any use out of. And I fear what I did learn isn't even of any use to Veldi anyway. She already knows more, she's already been in this longer. I don't know if it's even safe to see her now because I was too curious for my own good.” Blue seemed to wilt at that possibility, sliding down to the ground and covering her face in her hands.
“And now that they had been following me, maybe they are following you too. I'm so sorry Lami..”
Lami stopped her self bickering and just stared at Blue. “What did you say.” She said simply. “And chances are they where following me anyways… just fucking lovely to know it’s all tied into that… ”
She sat down next to Blue. “That curiosity is going to kill you. Your messing with forces you can’t begin to understand. Hell I’m blind to most of it and the bits I do know I want nothing to do with. I only do as I am requested off. Something you should learn to do as well. Veldi is stronger then you think. But now I doubt we have much of a choice in if we help her or not anymore… ”
She stated the Xaela down. “I promised Tret to bring you back alive. I intend to keep that promise. ”
Blue shrugged her shoulders a little. “It seemed that they didn't know who the grimoire user was. Not exactly. I gave no names but they know she's a female now. It's not that much to go by normally but..” The Xaela thought for a moment, pulling her hands away from her face. “They knew I'd been in contact with her. Sensed her on me like a scent maybe…so I don't know how well that would improve their search.”
The Xaela frowned, curling her tail around her ankle at Lami's words. “Tret says I like to just dive into the unknown without thinking. I don't really think about what might happen to me. The lives of others are more important. I know Veldi is strong, but she shouldn't have to face anything alone. Nobody should.”
A small flicker of a smile appears in the mixture of anxiety that made up Blue for the time being. “Thank you Lami. I'm not trying to make things hard on you, promise.”
Lami sat there for awhile, making an awkward sound before speaking. “Let me set this straight. Cause theirs ‘bit of a flaw there. The lives of those ya hold dear are more important. Cause by doin’ what ya did. Not only me. But now everyone on me ship is in mortal danger as well. So at least tell it ta me straight. Second. Ya doin’ a shite job of makin’ me life any easier. Not that I expected this ta go without any issues considerin’ those stabbers of yers, I expected sum form of problem ta pop up. Just not gettin’ dragged inta a war. Least in sum sense. Shite. Maybe an actual one dependin’ on where Veldi is. ”
Holding up a third finger. “And yer final mistake. She might not have been talkin’ ‘bout Veldi at all, cause me relic gives off a similar aura. Luckily far as I know. Veldi has a cunt so ya didn’t lie ‘bout the women part. ”
Inhaling deeply “And now I have ta make a few calls. Not plannin’ on makin’ Eli’s suspension ‘bout a traitor a reality. Ya told me the whole truth. Right? Ya only mentioned the female bit and that was it right? Also need ta ask me pain in the arse brother a few thin’s as well. ”
Blue did a rather impressive job of curling up and shrinking into an even smaller ball at Lami's words. She didn't immediately say anything in response to having endangered even more people, but clenched her fists and muttered to herself after a moment, “Gonna have to protect em all thens..”
Her eyes flicker up at Lami upon her second point, frown forming, though to that she had nothing to say. She did cause her miquo'te friend a great deal of trouble.
But it's upon the 3rd point that the girl blinks and nudges at the side of her head with her fingertips, thinking of the conversation. It'd been so vague…maybe they had been mistaken and were talking of Lami? But they'd just gotten to Kugane, there was no way it could be Lami..could it? “I didn't know it was similar, I don't know anything about all these books and relics and things…” She protests with a frown.
“The only thing I said was what I just told you. And then I just asked her about what all she was doing. I don't think I gave her anything else..”
Lami looked over Blue for several moments in silence before letting out a long sigh. “Well. Expressin’ my displeasure at the current situation will get us no where. So yer trainin’ is ‘bout ta take a turn I wasn’t plannin’ on. ”
She’d pull out a thick cigar, out of her free hand a long black looking claw would extend as she quickly cut the end off, the claw rushing back into her hand before she made a snapping notion and a small ring on Lami’s thumb hummed to life and a small flame flickered over her thumb, lighting the cigar with a deep inhale then exhaling a puff of smoke shaking her hand abit to put out the flame she’d take another puff.
“Thin’s bein’ as they are I had planned ta let the pair interested in those stabbers come ta us. We have lost that luxury. “ She’d look down at Blue. “Ya ever tracked sumthin’ that wasn’t a beast ‘efore? ” Leaning against the railing as she continued to puff on her new mouth piece.
Blue slowly eased herself from her animal-in-a-corner state to watch Lami and her claw as she lit her cigar and took a puff. The xaela said nothing, her tail giving a single little THWAP beside her.
When she was questioned of her tracking abilities, Blue looked surprised. “Why do you think I know how to track even beasts?” she enquired, before blinking and correcting herself, “I mean, I've tracked some beasties in the Shroud and in other areas…very rarely people when Tret and I were doing some odd jobs years ago, but it has been a while and things are a bit different, so I don't think I'm as good as I used to be.”
It's easy to track most things when I'm a creature with a gift for it. I just can't use it right now.
Lami gave Blue a strange look. “I figured bein’ a raiser of birds ya’d know how ta track one down if it got out. Suppose I was wron’ “ she said with a puff and a smile.
“But either way. While we sail on the sea I’m gonna teach ya the basics of how ta use them pretty girls ya found yerself. “flicking te end abit. “After all, we are gonna have sum visitors ‘efore our time here is done. And I don’t want ta be a rude host when they arrive and ya not be prepared. ” Lami’s smile grew into a wicked, mischievous grin.
Blue gave Lami a blank look for a moment until she explained her theory, to which the Au Ra smiled and shook her head. “They don't get far enough to need tracking if I'm on their tail.” Blue seemed rather proud if this particular boast, wiggling happily in place before she reached out, grabbed for the railing behind her, and stood up once more.
She nods eagerly at the promise of something new to learn and a thankful distraction from their previous talk. “Of course! I've been wanting to learn how to use them proper and you're just the one to teach me right!”
Lami nodded as she continued to enjoy her guilty pleasure, Strolling down to the main deck she'd look back at Blue.”Once I finish up payin' the tithe from the Ruby Sea Pirates' we can begin. No point in wearin' ourselves out 'efore our first hurdle shows itself.” Continuing to walk down the deck as they where now in open sea heading towards a large tower off in the distance.
Blue blinks at Lami for a moment at the mention of a tithe, her eyes wondering but soon following after the miquo'te to see what was going on proper. A tower in the distance that seems to get bigger and bigger the closer they come.
Lami paused for a moment before looking back at Blue, “Also…I wasn’t gonna say anythin’… but I want ya ta know… Ya can’t protect everythin’… “she looked ahead and said, holding up a free hand. “Those who try to protect everythin’ will protect nuthin’ “ walking on as a ship came into view. “Just sumthin’ ta think ‘bout. A lesson I had ta learn the hard way once. ” She said without waiting for Blue to respond as she rose a white flag over the side of the ship. “Now fer this fuck wits… ”
Blue brought her hands behind her back, shifting from leg to leg as she listened to Lami's words of advice. A flick of an ear and a shy little glance would be given to the woman before the Xaela offered back, ”..Doesn't hurt to try though. Every life is important, don't matter if it's you or me or your crew mates. I know it's not realistic…but I still want to.” Her eyes lifted to acknowledge the white flag thrown overboard with curiousity. “Ah…mmm. What's happening now? Does this have to do with the tithe thing?”
Lami nodded. “Aye. Gots ta pay if we want safe passage. And this is one group I’d rather not piss off. ” A chest was produced by the crew as the ship planted a gangway onto Lami’s ship. She gave a small wave. “Good mornin’ gentlemen. The tithe as per the size of me vessel. ” The men looked at Lami with a nod and simply took it. Handing Lami a small piece of parchment. “It pays ta be a regular. ” She said as the exchange went swiftly and without event. ” Anyways… “ she looked to Blue. “Lon’ as ya know it’s unrealistic I won’t say another werd. Water under the bridge so ta speak. ”
Blue watched the transaction take place with relative interest, being polite and making the wise choice of not bothering the visiting pirates, having already made things less smooth for Lami as is. When they began to retreat from the vessel, the Xaela nodded to Lami and leaned against one of the railings once again, her eyes fixated on their departure. “There's something more you should know. About what I've seen.” She'd wait until Lami's crew went back to their regular goings on before looking to her companion. “The person I spoke to borrowed someone else's body to talk to me. At..first I think.”
“I don't know how but it's something to know. Maybe if someone starts acting weird…though I guess if they're professional and alls, nobody would be able to notice anyway.”
Lami gave Blue a good once over. Then nodded.”I'll be sure ta add that ta me report then.“ Walking back towards her normal perch she looked back at Blue.”Ya know how ta swim?“ She would ask with a flick of her cigar and a large puff of smoke.
At Lami's question the Xaela twisted around from her own perch, leaning over the railing to look over at the water coursing beneath them. Her tail gave an excited little wag before she twirled around and grinned. “Of course! I don't get to swim much too much oceans though! Gridania only has small ones.” She tilted her head. “We gonna go swimming?”
Lami nodded “Yes we are. Just after a few thin’s are in order once we get cross the sea. “She took the wheel. “Hope ya ain’t scared of the deep!”she said with a cackle as the sails filled with air and they took the course of lami’s choosing
Blue shook her head happily enough. “Nuh, en't nothing scary down there but big toothy fishies!” She pauses. “And turtles. I think I heard there were a buncha turtles around here.” Her eyes scan the direction they were heading, bringing a hand over her eyes and squinting a bit.
Lami smiled “Good.” In the distance stood that large tower. And under it. A small port town. Lami was heading directly for it as the crew started to scramble to prepare to dock. “Let’s see if we can’t catch us sumthin…Interestin’”
Blue had to stop her jaw from dropping as the tower which had seemed so far away was actually just…really really tall and looming. Her eyes couldn't even reach the top of it, though the Xaela would make a dedicated attempt to do so, standing up on her tiptoes and backing away from the railing. One step, two step…and then a squeak of surprise when the gal tripped over a loose bit of rope behind her, causing her to flail about before falling on her butt. She blinks for a moment and looks to Lami, flicking her earfins. “We'll catch something super interesting!” She seconds with a cheer.
Lami nodded “Aye. Get changed. Sumthin’… casual will ya? I need my bait ta look… vulnerable.” She gave Blue an evil grin. “dont worry. Ya won’t get touched.”
Blue gives Lami a wide-eyed stare for a moment, before scrambling out of the loose pile of ropes and skipping on down the stairs to the captain's quarters to see what all she brought. Casual she says…casual….
After a short amount of time, Blue scurries back up the steps in decidedly not too casual springtime dress, all with the purples and the ruffles. Blue had a very limited wardrobe after all, but the Xaela thought she looked cute in it, straightening out her hair and puffing out her flower hairpin proudly.
“Will this do?”
Lami nodded. “Good. Now then. I’m gonna head inta port first ta make ourselves known. I want ya ta stick ‘round in the public eye. And see if ya can’t find any eyes that watch ya fer longer then they should. I’ll be doin’ the same.”
Blue hummed to herself thoughtfully. “Should I leave the daggers behind then for now? You think they'll just recognize it's me without them?”
Lami nodded “Hide em. But take em with ya. Just in case ya gotta stab sumone. Ya can manage that. Right?” Walking down towards the lower decks. “I’m gonna be watchin’ real closely so try to play… well actually just be you and ya will be fine…”
Blue nods eagerly enough. She'd brought the daggers up from the room as well, brandishing them with an inexperienced wobble before setting them in a rather unnoticeable pocket at the front of her dress hidden amongst all the ruffles.
Her ears flick at Lami's words before the Xaela simply grins. “I'm pretty good at that!” She looks after Lami was she starts heading to the lower decks, deciding to wait up top till things were settled at the port and Blue could run off and do Blue things.
As Blue would exit the Ship, She would find herself on a long dock leading onto a beach with a few trade shakes and another Large Atheryte she could choose to attune to if her heart desired. The crew started to unload some of Lami's Cargo seeing as she had already intended to arrive at this small Port, If it could be called that. |
After Blue mae her way down the dock she'd come out to a scene. A few Hyurs where haggling prices on some goods. Some Imposing individuals stood off watching the exchange wearing the same colors Blue might have recgonized from the men that took the tithe from Lami earlier in the day. |
A small group of Raen where on another pier, stepping off the boat gracefully and with purpose began to walk down. All of this played out simultaneously for Blue, What would the Xaela choose to do first? As Lami was no where in sight. |
Blue blinked and peered about in front of the ship, looking most definitely lost. Inquisitive eyes glanced around at the scene before her before locking onto the large crystal in the center first. Now that the Xaela knew about attuning, she wasn't going to miss out on the chance to do it here.
Heading that way, her ears flick at the sounds of other people, so many people, all doing their own respective things around her. It took up most of her will to not bounce off and investigate further. No, not yet.
Bicolored eyes glance back to the crystal once more as she raises her hand up and closes her eyes, letting herself connect with the aetherite proper.
The Xaela felt herself become attuned with the Crystal, The process becoming easier for her. Now that her initial task was finished, She had to decide what to do to help with whatever her teacher was fishing for exactly. Though Blue would not be able to shake the feeling of eyes on her. |
Blue had exactly zero game plan in mind. Lami had said just to be herself, and as she felt the warmth of the crystal fade away, the nicely-dressed Xaela would head over to where the hyurs were haggling, leisurely taking note of what items they were trying to sell.
Blue saw a brief glimpse of wares as the Hyurs where very animated in their haggling dance. The two Men associated with the Pirates of the Red Sea started to approach to make sure things stay civil spitting out a few curses pushing past Blue with little Concern for her. |
The Noble appearing Raen however had stopped at the end of the Pier and appeared to be either watching Blue, Or the scene that began to play out. |
Blue pouted visibly, unable to ascertain what the items in particular were as the Hyurs grew more and more animated. She let the Pirate take hold of the situation proper, though the curious little Xaela would wander closer to listen and see what all was happening. She looks briefly at the pier and at the Raen with mild interest, but the scene before her is much more enticing, eyes widening as she observed the display.
The two continued their argument until the pair of pirates joined them. They quickly calmed down and went about their business with much more respect then beforehand. The small audience that had gathered gave them all the more reason to calm their dispute. After being satisfied with their actions the pair of pirates stepped aside and resumed chatting |
Blue brought a finger to her cheek, tapping gently as she watched the dispute settle peacefully, no fists flown or anything! The Xaela lost interest, looking after the pirates as they wandered away before casting her eyes out for the Raens that she had ignored previously, wondering where they had all gone as she makes her way towards the dock she'd seen them from before getting distracted by giant crystals and arguments.
The Raen had left the scene to what it was before Blue had noticed. They now resided on the beach. Three of them in all. They seemed to be looking around for something. |
The group was quick to notice Blue watching them. Glaring at her watchful gaze one rose their hand. As if signaling something when suddenly, Blue found two of Lami’s crew mates besides her. The Auri was not expecting this as they slowly lowered their hand with a scowl Lami’s crew mates would lead blue away. Where Lami sat atop a post not far off. With a grin on her face. |
Blue wasn't the best at keeping herself hidden in plain sight, her eyes widening when the group noticed her almost immediately. Before she could make to do anything else however, she found herself walked away, the Xaela relenting but also utterly confused as to what just happened. She blinks up at Lami the moment she sees her, cocking her head to the side, befuddlement still on her face. “Uh….hiya Lami!”
Lami waved. “Hi. “Keeping her eyes trained on the beach. “Well that didn’t go how I imagined it would have. But. I do believe we’ve found out quarry. “she said sliding off the post onto the ground. “Plus I didn’t exactly like the idea of truly leaving you be… “Lami motioned to the pair that Blue may have recognized from her first day on the ship. “Had these ta tail ya ta be safe. Seems it was warranted… ”
Blue placed her hands on her hips and smirked at Lami teasingly. “But you coulda let me look even more vulnerable for a while longer!” She smiles over at the pair she'd met earlier on the boat however, clearly kidding and giving a nod in their direction. “Thanks for looking out for me!”
Lami nodded. “Aye. I do try ta keep me werd. But this has shown me all I need ta know. Or at least enough ta werk with. If they had been as dangerous as I thought that may not have been enough… ” she walked down toward the pier she was docked at. “Now we wait and see if they come back… but I get the feelin’ they won’t. ”
Blue pouted at Lami's words. “So I don't get to beat 'em up thens?” She follows after Lami, glancing back the way they had come from with a bit of regret, not having had much time to explore too much before finding the quarry.
“In time. ” She said simply. “I just need ta find the head of the snake before we go choppin’ at it.” She quickly made her way up to the top deck and looked towards the sea. “Yup. There they go.” She said pointing out a small boat that had recently left. “Give it a few bells ‘efore we go after em.”
Blue looked out over the sea, spotting the boat soon after. She nodded over to Lami, leaning over the railing and tracking their movement. “Where are they heading towards?” The Xaela asked curiously, squinting as they began to fade from view.
Lami grinned “A city underwater. A sort of… haven for Raen of a certain Bloodline… an Ex told me ‘bout it once…though if ya want ya explore the port abit now would be the time. Once we go after em… I’m not sure how this is gonna play out…”
Blue absently scratches at her cheeks “Is that why ya asked if I could swim? You figure they were from there all along?” She ponders going back to the port, having not been able to get too far to see things proper. “Hum..wonder if I can find some gifts to get for the others here while we're waiting around…Starlight is soon.”
Lami blinked abit. “Oh shit. I fergot ‘bout it… eah. Not worried ‘bout gettin’ any gifts this year. Knock yerself out. I’ll send a few of me crew ta keep ya head on ya shoulders.”
Blue grinned and give a little giggle “The more friends the better!” She proceeds to grab one of them by the elbow rather enthusiastically, dragging them off and murmuring in their ears quietly, “You know anything Lami might like for Starlight? Think we can find it here? What about that big ol' tower, what's that all about?”
A few bells would indeed go by.. |
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