Second Starlight - 12/27/20


Keeping up with familial traditions was hard. Eligor had no trouble keeping appointments, tracking plans, juggling multiple different things at once or just thriving in chaos. But Starlight? Getting the family together and just….existing without any ulterior motives while also letting any and all other engagements simply cease for an entire day was simply….terrifying. He could not bring himself to be the picture perfect father that he felt his children deserved, but at the very least he wanted to continue his every effort to prevent their disappointment. To that end, he once again found himself donning the apron one of his daughters had gotten for him in all its pink splendor, sent out the invitations to his family calling them home, and went about the slow and time consuming task of cooking the Starlight feast for later that night.


Novine could be viewed as quite possibly a most annoying existence to her Father, but despite that possibility, she insisted on being his helpful shadow until the others arrived. Of course, she had been looking forward to the festivities and had been vibrating around the house the entire day. Flitting between cleaning stuff and doing and re-doing her hair a bunch to suit the hairpin she had been given by Blue to running around and decorating the house with random things she may or may not have stolen from public Starlight displays, she was constantly flying in and out the door. By the time Eligor had donned the apron, she was right there in the kitchen, bright-eyed and excited. Everything her father hated about the day was exactly what she was craving.

“Can I help?” she started walking around the kitchen, getting into everything and checking out what had already been prepared.


He stopped, thrown off by things already being different from the last Starlight.

“Uhh…have you been practicing cooking at all?”


“I did some when you were gone 'cause F'loki's stew wasn't as good.”


(bitch pls)

“Right….alright, do you know how to…hmm…” He looked around the kitchen, thinking to himself quietly. “What is something you would like to eat?”


“I like carrots!”


“Alright, well I was thinking that this year I could make a large casserole with the dodo since P'lami and Bonslette always get into arguments over which bit of the bird is best. Do you think you could chop up some carrots? There arent a lot but there should be two or three whole carrots in the crate by the door.”


The second he mentioned carrots, she was already rummaging around looking for them, switching her tactic finally by the time he gave the actual location.

“I don't think I can, I know I can,” she said will full confidence as if it were an obvious thing to be able to do. “How do you want 'em chopped 'cause last time you asked me I did it wrong.”

She extracted the carrots and happily skipped back to the kitchen to wash them.


“Well make sure you wash them first, but after that I think as long as they arent too thick any way you want to cut them should be fine. If thats too vague, the carrot slices should at least be able to fit on a spoon. If they cant its too big.”

“Its going to be a big casserole though, so having more pieces to spread out over it would be best.”


Almost as he was telling her to wash them, the sound of water splashing joined the fray as she stood on the stool to give them their baptism.

“Alright, I won't mess it up! What kinda casserole are you doing anyway?”


“So far theres dodo and carrots in it….”

“At the moment I’ll add things as I go, but generally need to cook up the dodo first.”


“Do you actually know how to cook or do you just put stuff together and hope it works?” she asks with a little giggle.


“Depends on what it is usually. Casserole can’t be that hard. But if it’s messed up, it’ll be my fault not yours.”


She shrugs. “I won't be able to tell the difference though.

She hopped down and jogged over to grab a knife and a cutting board, precariously jogging back to the carrots with them.

“Did anyone teach you stuff about cooking?”


“….Mostly no. You shouldn’t run with a knife either. The kitchen is a small space, so the chances of tripping go up.”


“Yeah yeah, I know. I'm just excited!” she admits cheerily, attacking the carrots with the knife with quite a high level of care and precision that might not be expected from her previous careless behavior. “Isn't fighting just running with knives a lot of the time though? Y'know, if you use knives or swords and stuff. People run with knives all the time.”


“If I’m in the middle of a fight no. Usually I will use modified steps or short jumps in battle. Running generates momentum. If you use that foolishly in battle you will die quickly.”

“There is a way to run safely with a blade, but generally those situations merit the risk.”

“You will not lose anything from practicing simple kitchen safety.”


“Ah, I seeeee. That makes sense.”

She hums to herself rather cheerily, continuing to slice things, occasionally taking a look over her shoulder just to bask in the fact that she he was there and was going to stay there and they were having a normal conversation like normal people. Well, mostly normal.

“What's your favorite food? Something makes me think it's not stew 'cause you just make that 'cause you can put whatever in it.”

Keeping a normal conversation going, however, seemed difficult.


“You like cheese?”


“Soft, mild ones. Flavor's too strong and it tastes the way dead stuff smells when it's any other kind.”


“Think it’ll go good melted into the casserole then? Not sure how thick it might be just yet.”


“Does cheese go with Dodo? I dunno how it's supposed to end up. I guess if it's a little it wouldn't hurt. Sometimes people just put the cheese on at the end I think.”


“Alright then. I suppose we will need some vegetables that will go well with the carrots then.”

“The carrots will take a while to chew and feel filling, so something that works well and compliments that should work fine.”


“Uh… I dunno. Millioncorn? Popotoes?”


”…..Alright. We can try it.“

He moved around the kitchen with practiced efficiency, grabbing the extra ingredients as they were decided and going about preparing them in short order with his knife.

“You sure you want to stay here? No one will be around until later so its just me now.”


“Yeah, why? Is it weird?” she asked, kind of afraid to hear the answer as the knife moved a bit slower through the carrots.

“I figure that's the way the first one went - it was just us, and then I had a whole family all of a sudden.”


“Just not exactly an entertaining time waiting for everyone to show up. Thought you'd rather be out playing with your sisters or something.”


“It's plenty entertaining! But I can go after I'm done cutting stuff if you don't need help I guess…” she pauses a moment before adding. “You're boring sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's a waste of time or anything.”


“Hm. Well do you want to be here?”


“Well yeah! If I didn't I'd not be here. I'm not the kinda person to just… sit around just 'cause of obligation or something.”


He goes silent for a while, simply preparing the food before he moves on to a roast, grabbing some seasonings and applying them quietly.

“Then stay I suppose. No need to go out if you're already enjoying yourself.”


“I am!” she says hopping down and carrying her cutting board of carrots over to where Eligor was, sliding it onto the counter. “Do you like Starlight?”


He thinks for a bit. “I dont really care about it. It is just a day. Nothing really significant about it except for the fact that some people decided today was worth remembering because of someone else or something else we were not even there for. We never made this occasion, so I do not feel any attachment to it in the slightest.”

“But with that said, it is an excuse to sit down and do something together with everyone. It gives us all a chance to breathe outside of whatever else has happened if even for a single sun. We have an excuse to be happy and enjoy each other's company if for no reason other than its something nice to do. I get to see my children, and almost like a spell it made everyone smile last time. I do value that, and I'm more than willing to give the credit to some day I'd normally forget if it werent for all of you.”

“I do not have a talent for making others smile, so I'll take any help I can get really.”


Novine grins and makes to give him a quick hug before releasing him.

“Well, I probably wouldn't care that much either. But it's the day I became part of the family so it seems important! It's been a whole year and… I dunno, I guess it shouldn't matter, but it feels like an accomplishment. Like I've come a long way maybe! I dunno what I'd be doing if I wasn't here so… I dunno, feels nice to have somewhere to be I guess.”

She pauses and leans up against the counter beside him, reflecting and getting sentimental.

“I just didn't really expect things to go the way they did last year. Didn't… really think I'd get to do the family thing again.”

She shrugs. “I dunno, I think that's worth celebrating maybe.”


“What did you think would happen?”


“That I'd just sorta… be alone and not get attached to people, like things were in Eitr. I forgot what it was like to have people around.”

“Probably just wander around and learn stuff I guess. Didn't really feel it was worth thinking too far ahead about, not knowing how it'd be exactly.”


“You shouldnt take on my habits of assuming the worst of others.”

“Your being here was not only your choice. That was a big part of it yes, but the troublesome thing about relationships is that it is never simply your input that contributes to the whole. If neither side has done anything to damage the other, then why would the relationship decay? Or do you feel inferior to your family somehow?”


“No, I just didn't really know they were a thing until I knew they were a thing, if that makes sense. I didn't know they were even gonna happen. It's not like Eitr told me 'Oh by the way, when you get out, you're gonna have a big family.' I didn't know there'd be others that cared really. And I didn't really see it as a good or a bad thing, just the truth of my reality. That it could be anything. It was exciting!”


“That does sound like something she would omit. But it was also impossible for you to be told that. Again, you had to make that decision for yourself. I was generally convinced you'd be dead set on killing me, for example.”

He puts the roast in the oven and starts working on…..something? It appeared to be….ceruleum. Bubbling in a pot.


She pouts. “I don't wanna talk about killing stuff on Starlight. 'Specially if it's you. But I dunno… did it turn out better than you expected then? Like you assumed the worst, but it came out this way.” She kicks at the floor a bit in a shy sort of way. “You've just always got plans and stuff. I wondered if I messed 'em up.”


“Children always ruin the plans of their parents. You'll be sad to hear that you are far from the first among your sisters to do so.”

“I wouldnt be much of a parent if my world came crashing to the ground every time one of my daughters did something unexpected.”


She laughs. “Well, I guess I'm just doing what I'm s'posed to anyway. Your plans sound weird a lot of the time anyway so it's probably fine!” She pushes herself off the counter and stands on her tip toes to look at the suspicious pot. “What's that?”


“I thought I'd try making a treat for you and Raziel. An attempt at an aether replenishing candy.”


“Ohhhhh!” she says with a big smile, eyes going wide. “That sounds nice. Might actually want to eat something then! Does Raziel need lots of aether too?”


“Yes and no.”

“She needs a uh…hmmm..”

“Think of it like a booster. She burns a lot of aether in the day so things that help to sustain that constant drain are typically something that she would prefer–even if unconsciously.”


“Ah, so at the end of the day she's not just completely drained, right? When I visited she was really tired.”


“Hm? Tired how exactly?”


“Oh, well, she was sleepy I guess? Like she didn't know I was there so she just kinda… collapsed to the ground and was probably gonna sleep there, but I said something and she pretended she didn't. She kept wanting me to sleep so she could.”


He doesnt respond for a while, instead continuing to mess with the strange goop. `

“Probably something to do with the rituals then. That would be particularly draining I'm sure. But that is not what this is for. It is more like…she is constantly using magic even without thinking so she tires herself out quickly.”


“Oh yeah, I think they said she was doing that stuff. But that sounds like she'd like it. It's candy anyway, so she'd probably eat it even if she didn't know it was good for her n' stuff!”


“That's the idea. The appeal for her will be that its candy and tastes good and is new. The appeal for you is the aether supplement.”


“How much aether does it have?” she asks, clearly excited by the aforementioned appeal.


“I’m still trying to refine it, but I’m using the cooking pot here instead of the lab equipment so I imagine it will lose quite a bit of retention during the hardening. Assuming I can trap the heat enough to keep the inside gooey once the shell forms…”

“More than likely this batch will amount to little more than a metaphorical zap. Something you will certainly feel but not enough to directly offset a large depletion of aether.”

“Future batches will be improved but for today I’m mainly prioritizing the treat portion of it. For example, do you have any specific kinds of aether you like to consume? You should have become a little more aware of it when you got that crystal.”


“Oh! Yeah, the water aspected aether that's near larger bodies of water!” she says excitedly. “It's very refreshing! Ice-aspected is pretty good too for that. Been spending less time out in Sagoli now in favor of those kinds.”


“Then it wouldnt be too strange to think of it as a flavor preference right?”


“Nope, that's pretty apt I think! What kind are these gonna be?”


“Well your sister might prefer fire but…I think I can go with water this time.”

“She's getting candy after all.”

“I just need to make some adjustments.”

“By the way, did you get anyone gifts?”


Her glee of her preference being picked was palpable as she let out a satisfied giggle before the question was asked.

“No, I don't really know what people want. And… I didn't know if we'd be getting together so I guess I didn't wanna get my hopes up or something. But I dunno, just being around's enough I think. Or… Will they get mad? Should I go find stuff real quick?”


“No, its fine.”


“Good! My carrot chopping skills can be my gift.”

She grabs the edge of the counter, clearly a bit excited and fidgety as she leans backwards on her heels and hangs off of it, swinging back and forth slightly.

“What's your favorite aether?”


He freezes, fiddling with the goo more before coming up with an answer.

“I dont think my preferences really have any priority here. The candy is for you and Raziel after all. I dont really have good taste anyway.”


“Doesn't matter, I'm not gonna judge you. They've all got different feels and stuff, so they're all kinda nice in their own way.”

He sighs, deciding to let the goo sit while he moves over to the cabinet and grabs a bag of flour.


“Once you've had enough of the elements, you begin to realize that the….taste, if you want to call it that, is always the same. It is not a bad thing, but it is the same way that other people tend to feel about food. But once you take from people you realize….aether from nature is the seasoning. People…people have subtle differences. Even the same person can become completely different if you sample them later. And that is when you begin to understand the true value in the aether from people…”

He begins to mix the flour with ingredients as he speaks, appearing to be working towards making little cakes as he talks.

“You can change their flavors yourself. Their anger, their fears….their love. You can mix and match and feast to your hearts content, and the taste will always be unique to that one thing. Because you can communicate, you can alter their flavor as you please. It is a singular experience you can only experience per person. Once you have enough of it, it gets easier to tell those subtle emotions apart, or which is more potent when they mix together….”

He sighs. “Raziel's mother has a taste beyond any I'd had before. She single handedly kept me sustained for moons you know.” He starts chuckling, but quickly cuts himself off when he realizes where he is.

”…Anyway, taking from people is not something you should really try.“

“You could get lost in it.”


She nods, still swinging as she looks up and watches his face, seemingly happy she got him to give up his answer.

“I experienced it kinda that one time when I was fighting that thing. It was nice, but.. yeah, it was easy to get caught up in it. I'm more used to doing stuff from nature so I've just been kinda doing that still. I dunno if I wanna be like how I was in that vision, or whatever it was.”



He continues working on the food, seemingly almost on auto pilot by now. “So how do you feel about the grimoire? Do you hate it?”


“No, not really… It's complicated. I don't like how it messes with memories and used me, but…it gave me the ability to live here so I can't complain too much. But anyone kinda trapped somewhere with another person is gonna find the other person annoying after awhile.”


“I see.”

“Well I'll need your cutting skills for a few more dishes here. Think you're up for it still?”


She hops to attention and nods enthusiastically. “Yeah! What now?”



Sat in a local Bar, Taking a few drinks after Blue's reminder that it was indeed Starlight. Taking her mug to her lips she watched her fellow Patrons. Either together or like her alone drinking. She kept her ears flat, Displaying her personal annoyance at how this particular time of the year made her feel.


An unfamiliar figure made its way to the bar, cloaked in a yellow cloak and hair neatly combed.

“Fuck you doin here?”

It was Veldi, looking far cleaner, neater, and composed than she ever has previously.


Lami flinched knowing she was being addressed.”Drinkin'. Ya?“ She said as her tail flicked against the floor.


“Why are you in Kugane?”


“Tradin’ and Trainin’ Blue. Brought her alon’ fer the ride. Ya know the whole ta birds one stone bit.”


“Yeah? Why though?”

Actually, fuck it. Not here for that.”

She pulled an envelope from her coat, waggling it near Lami's ear.

“You got an invitation to a party.”


“Oh? and what are you here for?”

“Wait, A party? Me? Who?”She said looking genuinely surprised by the idea.


“The fuckin' footstool. Told me you were in the city an gave me a message to bring you if I ran into you. Planned to just not do that, but you're here on the way out….so go figure. Not out of my way.”

“Dumbass tries to call it a family gathering though, so I dunno why either of us need to go.”


Lami's ears perked up at that.“Oh? Well, Can't say I have anythin' better ta do then drink meself inta a stupor and pick a fight with sum back alley rat.” She stood up leaving a few coins.“Soooo, That means I get ta hitch a ride with ya, Right?”


“Wait you actually wanna go? Why? Fucker is like…not right in the head.”


Lami looked around.”What else am I gonna do? It’s not like I want ta be rude now that I know I got invited I’d feel guilty ‘bout not showin’ up… good thin’ I wore me good clothes out ta night.”


“Fuckin kissass…” She rubbed and then scratched at the back of her head, looking away. “Well I guess since you're goin I gotta take you. And he'll bitch if I leave. You're here with Blue yeah? Where is she? I might as well go with someone I like.”


“She’s… either over there by now err sumthin’… I think she got a ride over there… let me see if I can’t get ahold of her on the linkpearl…”


“Nah it aint that big a deal. Waste of her time anyway. So how you wanna do this? Gonna dress up or somethin first?”


A linkpearl call wouldn't be necessary it seemed.

“Lami, you in this one?” A voice sounds out from outside the bar before a familiar figure runs in, squinting at the patrons. Recognizing the back of Lami's head and not quite recognizing the cloaked person beside her, the girl beams and draws close.

Blue herself was wearing a nice green dress with all the ruffles intact, the scent of various flowers cutting through the typical boozey smell permeating, well, everywhere.

“You know, it's getting kinda easy to track you now. You gotta surprise me by not being at a tavern sometime! Got wrecked at the Grindstone by the way…least I got to give Novine her gift..”

Blue leaned back against the bar counter and closed her eyes. Aether teleporting back and forth not once but twice within the same week was exhausting, though the Xaela wouldn't complain. Was the holiday season after all.


Lami jumped as another voice addressed her. She had originally planned to spend the evening alone but it appeared that was not to be the case at all.”Well. When ya have the personality of a drunken ship rat it’s easy ta be tracked it seems…” Lami looked down at herself.”Ya…guess I’ll have ta find sumthin’ nice now…”she tapped her chin abit with a snap of her finger.”Ah! Stay here.” She looked at Blue.”Oh found Veldi it seems.” She said with a few shoulder pats and a scamper off.

Lami returned quickly after, wearing a jet black dress with a hip slit cut up the side with a pair of thigh high boots.”There. Fancy enough.” She said strolling back to the pair.”I don’t every get ta dress fancy so. Figured I’d have abit of fun.”


In the space of time between the shoulder pats Lami had given and the moment she returned all dressed up, Blue had looked over at Veldi, her eyes as big as saucers, not saying anything for the longest amount of time.

`Should I tell her what happened? What if someone followed her here? She's gonna be mad though…but I really wanted to talk to her…`

Clearly conflicted and already a bit worn from traveling and fighting and teleporting, the Xaela's knees buckle from underneath her and she plops onto the floor. Staring at the ground, Blue rummages in her dress pocket and pulls out a small, carefully wrapped box tied together with a nice blue ribbon.

She finally looks up at Veldi and holds it out to her. “..Didnt know if I'd see you again for a while, but I carried this around just in case. Happy Starlight Veldi.”


Veldi seemed to have kind of spaced out a bit from the sudden acceleration of events, holding out her hand with a blank look on her face to take the small box. “Yeah…no wait–why are you out here? Aint you married?”

She turned towards Lami now, seemingly redirecting her frustration towards her. “And you! Shouldnt you have SOME kind of resistance? You got a brother dont you?”


Blue squints at Veldi, waggling her ears, content to quell her hardly hidden worries with distraction.

“Wha- you already knew I was out here- what does being married have to do with anything?!?”

She makes no move to get up off the floor, though she taps the end of her tail against the Xaela playfully before looking up at Lami.

“You guys have a drinking contest or something before I got here?”


“I look like I would drink with her?”

“And don' people usually spend holidays with loved ones?”


Lami looked at Veldi clearly confused. “wait what? What does the knuckle dragger have ta do with- ah. Well I can’t teleport and I tend ta ferget holidays are a thin’ considerin’ I’ve grown used ta not spendin’ them with people.” Causally shrugging.”I’m also confused as ta why Blue bein’ married matters here…”


“You wouldnt.”


“W- oh yer a pervert.”

“I have enough self respect ta not go after sumone that’s taken. Ya nasty.”


“Sure found that dress fast. Use it while you're in Limsan alleys?”


“I happen ta know sumone that sells the damned thin’s that owed me sum Gil fer a shipment.”


“Is that what you tell the buyers in the back alleys? One gil a shipment?”


Blue looks between Lami and Veldi and back again, dusting off her dress gingerly before hopping back up onto her feet.

“Lami showed me how to teleport, so I've been visiting my loved ones, and-” She blinks, getting lost between the exchanges, tilting her head curiously.


Rubbed her forehead.”Yer a child. If I was gonna sell that sorta service I wouldn’t need a ship ta do it.”


“An' you'll be in pieces you make that suggestion ever again.”


“Ya thought it. I just said it.


“Only thing I thought is whether the damn footstool wants to cook cat tonight.”


“Hopefully not. I doubt I’d taste good.”


“Probably taste cheap.”

Veldi looks back to Blue. “So you thought you'd come visit this flea infested gutter surfer.”


“On that we can agree.”


Blue just stares at the both of them, wondering if she'd missed something. “I'm here with Lami to train and get stronger, remember? I'll be here for a long while, but I can visit home whenevers…” She looks over at Veldi, shyly drawing her hands behind her back and wiggling in place. “And you n' Lami are both loved ones to me. Be nice.”


“She started it.”

“And I'm being plenty nice already.”


“So why is everyone all dressed up?”


“Fuckin footstool having a starlight thing. For some reason the bastard decided to call us there too.”


Blue brightened immediately, eyes wide and face cheerful. “Oh, a party! That sounds fun!” Eligor hosting it was kinda questionable to the Xaela, but maybe the man secretly loved parties. She didn't know him well enough after all.


Veldi deadpans, reaching for a cigar that wasnt there “So you're both cracked. Got it.”


“You dun like parties?”


“Ugh.” She holds out her hand, rolling her eyes. “Fine, I'll take you both then. If you're bouncing around everywhere you cant be feeling great and this fuckin cat cant really get there on her own.”


Blue hummed thoughtfully. “I dunno, you think I'm allowed? I didn't get an invite. Might just be for you two.”


“If he complains I'll break his arms.”


“That'd be mean but….” A pause. “Okay!” The Xaela giggles happily and takes Veldi's hand. She was indeed not feeling that great, but she was feeling good nuff to take another trip with a little help from her friend.


Veldi stares at Lami now, waiting for her to take hold.


Lami walked over. Took hold of Veldi.”Ready…” seeming nervous about the idea of teleporting


Veldi seems suddenly nervous, but a moment later she pulls both Blue and Lami with her through the aether, reappearing later outside of Eligor's house.


Some time later, a trio appear outside of the house. Blue, Lami, and Veldi all have arrived outside of Eligor's house, and while the lights inside the house were clearly on, the outside was very quiet.


“Well! Let’s head on in! No time like the present!”


Blue bounced away from her companions a step and then another, taking a deep breath of relief before staring up at the house that she'd only seen the outside of what felt like several moons ago. Bright eyes blinked over at Lami's shout before she too nodded and smiled. “It's kinda quiet though…you sure peoples are home?”


As if on queue, more people appeared not far from the trio in the yard. A small red headed sun-seeker miqo’te, and a similarly red headed elezen. Both appeared to be teenagers, but upon realizing they were not alone they froze in place, staring for a few moments before the miqo’te smiled, hopping in close and waving.

Miqo’te: “Hi Veldi! Wow you actually came back! I won the bet!”

Veldi seemed embarrassed at first, but hearing of the bet immediately snapped her out of it.

Veldi: “The fuck you mean bet? You think I’m a damn side show you smarmy little shite?”


Blue flicked an ear at the approach of others, observing the new duo with relative interest- and even more so Veldi's reaction to them. She stifles her giggles with the back of her hand and hops closer to the miqo'te and elezen, circling them like a prowling coeurl- though perhaps a very friendly one. “Hiya! Are you friends of Veldi?”


Veldi: “Fuck no they aren’t!”

The miqo'te girl skipped around the yard for a bit before stopping near the front door.

Miqo'te: “More like a weird aunt or cousin but yeah basically! I'm P'lami and that–She points to the elezen crossing her arms now by the mailbox–is my sister Bonslette! Oh, but we are like doing a nickname thing now, so she's Bonnie and I'm uh…Lam? Lams? One of those! Who are you guys?”


Lami watched this whole interaction with a small grin on her face.”Well… hello. R’lamiza.” She said with a cheerful wave, with that she’d wait no longer before lightly pushing the door open.”Yer guests have arrived!” She’d announce not that anyone would really need it.


Eligor poked his head around the corner of the kitchen wall, still wearing his pink apron and holding what appeared to be a palette knife covered in frosting.

Eligor: “Well there is the noise coming in.”


Blue waves at the pair, beaming. “It's nice to meet you both. I'm Blue! I'm..” She pauses and thinks. Well it's not like I don't say it all the time anyways.. “I'm Veldi's sis.” She curtsies and is then thoroughly distracted by Lami's opening of the door, turning around and well, sidling on inside.


P'lami already wasnt listening, she had already dashed into the house and tackled Eligor back out of view into the kitchen. Bonslette on the other hand seemed to have listened, walking up behind everyone with all of the energy of a jaded teen.

Bonslette: “Yeah? Lot happens in a year I guess. So do you multiply with like division or..?”

She was promptly smacked on the back of the head by Veldi who proceeded to scream into the now open house.

“Where's the godsdamned booze!? I cant take you people all bundled together without something dulling the nightmare!”


Lami strolled in with a smile on her face. “Thanks fer Havin’ me… er us…” looking at her fellow patrons as she quickly found herself a seat to watch the spectacle.


Blue bit back a laugh at Bonslette's question, though once she was actually properly inside, she was momentarily distracted by staring at literally everything. Her fins give a lazy flick as she watched the movements of the rest of the current occupants and settled for skipping over to another unoccupied seat near Lami. She pokes the cat in the shoulder. “Should I be asking how big Eligor's family actually is?”


There was some light decoration around the common area by now, as well as a series of bottles lined up on a table nearby. Next to it on a smaller table that was brought out for the occasion were a number of little treats–mainly cookies and a small mountain of meat-buns.


Novine's laughter would be heard in the kitchen as she padded out from around the corner in stocking feet, holding her trusty knife that she decided was now hers for the day as she was on cutting-stuff duty.

“Wow, so many of you all of a sudden!” She waved in a precarious way with the knife wielding hand. “Didn't expect you though!” she said looking at Blue.

Perched in Novine's elaborately braided hairstyle, which were two low, braided pigtails with other braided strands around them, was Blue's flowery hairpin she had gifted her.


Blue gingerly reaches over to pluck at a cookie, bringing it to her nose to sniff before she looks up and notices the crazy knife-wielding Novine! Minus the cray-cray. She settles the cookie precariously on her lap. “Yeah I gots invited to come by Veldi and thought going to another starlight party might be fun! You're lookin' super mega ultra pretty by the way!” She winks at the lalafell.


Lami chuckled as she looked over.”Ta be honest. I have no idea just how big it is. But can say this is the most I’ve seen in the same place. This should be a fun night!” She said with a special kind of mischievous look in her eyes.” Evenin’ Eligor, Novine. Nice ta see ya both in good health.”


Eligor had just managed to scrape himself from underneath P'lami when he heard the greeting.

Eligor: “Ah, so I see that she managed to find you after all. I wasnt sure you'd actually come though.”


“She just wanted a reason to dress up n' be fancy!” The Xaela adds playfully


Eligor: “I see. Well the kegs are full and the bottles are not from a stash this time so it wont be a problem for me later if you drink it all.”

Veldi was already drinking directly from one of the bottles.

Eligor: “Actually, where is the chocobo man anyway? He with friends?”


Blue tilts her head. “You mean Tret? Hum…” The Xaela stares up at the ceiling in thought. “I think he might actually still be working..I'm not sure what time it is. Would you like me to invite him? He doesn't know I'm here.”


Eligor: “….If you want. I'm more surprised that you're here at all really.” He glances briefly at Veldi before he's tackled to the floor again by P'lami who proceeds to nuzzle him until Bonslette peels her off.

Distracted by the sudden shift, he turned back to his daughters, dusting himself off a bit.

Eligor: “Where's Luna? Did she run off with Pheria this year for the deliveries?”

Bonslette: “No I think she's just being shy again. She heard more people might be over this year so she wanted to cover up. You know how she is.”


Lami shot Blue a look getting up and finding herself a drink.”Why wouldn’t I come? Not like I hold any sort of grudge er anythin’.” Pouring herself a glass with a satisfied grin. Waking back to her seat


Blue smiled gently. “I can't really say no.” Her tail gives a rhythmic wag beside her before she shuffles around in her pocket for the now very familiar link pearl. The Xaela brings it to her ear and begins speaking in soft little murmurs, glancing up at Lami with a sweet serene grin when she hears her response.


Eligor sighs, pinching his nose a bit before returning his attentions to Blue. Eligor: “How's he going to get here? Unless something changed or he's in the area someone will need to bring him here.”


“I mean either I’d spend my evein’ around people I know er I’d be gettin’ drunk and pickin’ fights with strangers and really I much prefer this side of that particular coin.” She said with a wiggle of her ears and a wide grin.


Blue pulls the link pearl from her ear, carefully stashing it away before she addresses Eligor.

“Seems I caught him boarding an airship back to the Shroud. He was actually doing a delivery in Limsa, so he's not that far away. Might be a little late though.”

She then proceeds to stick her tongue out at Lami. “You need to find more fun things to do than all that. Maybe a hobby.”


Veldi: “Drinkin's a hobby. Perfectly fine long as you make bathing a hobby too.”


Blue squinting at Veldi. “Uhm…I guess? Maybe..”


Veldi: “Its fun! Should try getting wasted a few times.”


“I did it once and that was enough. I'll keep to ciders with apple pieces in it.”

“And super fruity things!”


“OI. Ya sayin’ I don’t shower?!” Glaring at Veldi.”I bathe daily thank ya very much.” Huffing as she sipped her drink.”And when ya spend yer time travelin’ not much else ta do. Not like I can open up a shop and find a place ta find sumthin’ else I enjoy.”


Novine looked very proud to be called pretty and she preened a bit, positively glowing before she disappeared back into the kitchen to put her knife down at last so she could participate in future hugs. She sort of shyly hovered, vibrating and looking excited, looking at everyone, not really sure who she should talk to.


Veldi: “This bitch bathes in scotch and squid ink and calls it cleaning.”


“You dun travel all the time though Lami…just a lot of it! Maybe start a collection of something fun.”

Her gaze flickers over to Novine and her vibrating, a curious tilt of her head before Veldi spoke up, Blue giggling madly in response.


P'Lami suddenly tackles Novine to the floor next, nuzzling her cheek against Novine's.

P'lami: “How ya been baby sis!? You're feeling even softer than last time!”


Scowls “Do I actually smell? Seven hells I use soap.”she said sniffing herself.”Blue can tell ya! I use soap!” She said almost pouting.”I… don’t see how collectin’ stuff will be…fun?”


Blue leans over and just starts sniffing at Lami.

“Uh, traces of soap. Tiny. Small. Could prolly use more of that.”


Veldi: “Premium bottles?”

Veldi: “You can get some expensive shite and keep the bottles to show off to your ratty friends how posh you've gotten with your drinks. Sounds mean but that is what it is right?”

Veldi burps and continues gulping down her booze.


Blue's eyes widen. “Yeah, you can do that! Get the nice pretty bottles, the ones you don't wanna smash.”


“That… werks I suppose…though they would take up a lot of space maybe… hell if I know collectin’ stuff seems odd ta me.”


Eligor: “Just collect something you can use that does not take up space.”

Eligor: “Bottles are fine if you care to show off but ultimately it's just trash you refuse to get rid of.”


Novine laughs and squeezes her back, the most genuine laughter coming from her than as was usual.

“I've been good lately! Really good 'cause it's Starlight and stuff, n' I visited Raziel!” she paused a moment. “Wait, is soft good? I feel like soft means I've been lazy!”


Blue tips her head from side to side thoughtfully. “There's not many collections of anything that don't take up space though. Unless maybe it's something to put in an even smaller space, like a book.”

“I want to collect and grow flowers but we don't have much room for what I want to make so I gotta wait till things work out for it.”


P'lami: “Soft and warm! Be lazy, it's good for the nuzzles~Eep!”

She was suddenly jerked off by Bonslette who was looking increasingly irate, pushing her away before giving Novine a quick hug and backing off.

Bonslette: “Gods you're not a damn child anymore stop tackling everyone!”

P'lami: “But it's fun! And everyone's warm unlike you, you cold bi–”

Eligor claps his hands together loudly and clears his throat, stopping the girls from bickering but not from sticking their tongues out at each other.

Eligor: “I tried growing things for a while but it was mostly to test things.”

Eligor: “Taking care of flowers sounds like a lot of work if you dont even have space to do what you want.”


“Yeah…it's a dream for later when I'm done getting stronger. Enjoying the Shroud and having a couple small gardening plots is good enough- cause I can still make corsages and hair pins and things for my friends!” She lifts her head to look over at the gathering around Novine with a grin.


Novine just sat cross-legged on the floor, aftershocks of laughter rocking her as she tried to compose herself, obediently heeding the rather loud clap of her Father's. Pushing herself to her feet, she looked up at her older sisters.

“What've you two been doing?”


P'lami: “We've been just going around cleaning. Aaaaaaalways cleaning. You know I've started saying that little speech so much that I started to dream about it? It's been hard keeping up with all the travelling really. I Bonnie was thinking about running off with another boy but he–OW!” She was swiftly bonked on the head with an unknown object, as Bonslette had already tucked it back into her clothes.

“And I think Luna's been trying out fishing or something? Last I heard she said that she's been angling on some ship for a while. Probably shady if they let her stay mummied up though.”


“What do you clean anyway?” And she grins up at Bonslette with a bit of a shit eating grin. “And is he cute?”


Bonslette: “The world, if Pheria has her way. Once we started leaving Eorzea, she started having us make regular trips to Kugane as well. She tried a trip to Thavnair, but for some reason it hit a wall. She even sent Luna to the Azimme Steppe but it didnt really go that well out there either.”


“What happened?” she asked with a curious tilt of the head. “And you didn't answer if he's cute or not,” she added, hands on her hips in a matter-of fact way.


Bonslette: “What about you? I heard from father that you've been running around with weird men without a care. He thinks you're gonna get hurt!”


She bristled a bit and crossed her arms. “They're not weird. He made the one my bodyguard, and the other… well, okay, he's a bit weird, but he's nice! That one… probably wouldn't work out. Haven't seen him in awhile anyway, so it's… whatever.”


Bonslette: “Whatever it is. So whats that you're doing with your hair there?”


“I wear it all kinds of ways. Is it weird?” she asks absent-mindedly touching it as if to feel if something were out of place. “Oh, the flower thing's from her,” she said pointing at Blue. “That's new at least.”


Bonslette: “N-no no, its cute as usual. Just new I guess.”


Blue flinches upon being pointed at, as if she were caught red handed watching and listening to the exchange. Because she was and that what she do. A weak lil wave and the Xaela promptly remembers the uneaten cookie, bringing it up to munch on and look around.


There was a series of knocks on the door. On the other side was a slightly damp Hyur, carrying two bottles, wearing a doublet he'd never been seen in before, and breathing a little harder than normal. At the word that Blue was back in Aldenard again, Tret had bowled over everyone behind him boarding the airship, run up to rinse off, 'procured' some wine and clothes that didn't smell like horsebird, and harassed a ferrymaster to drive his boat faster out to the Mists. Now he worked to catch his breath on the front lawn of the Abigor household, not about to Kramer his way inside after being told about the security of the home during his last visit.


Lami heard a few knocks at the door.”Well that was quick!” She said with a laugh sipping still on her drink watching Novine and P’lami chat away with a smile on her face. She wasn’t used to the idea of laughter surrounding Eligor, it wasn’t an unwelcome change.


Blue flicks an ear at the sound of knocking. They themselves had just gone right in, so who could this be?

The Xaela bounces up from her seat, looking over at Lami with a quick shake of her head. “No way, I just called him. He can't possibly get over here that fast.”

Of course, she is then promptly proven wrong as she gently opens the door, peeking out at her damp blue-headed beau. Blue knew he was coming but her eyes still went wide.

A half-second might have gone by, but it was probably less than when the little lizard aggressively pounced Tret and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing at him affectionately.

“Thought I wouldn't get to see ya again for another few weeks at least!” The girl chirped out, her tail a frenzied wag.

Good luck wine bottles, hope Tret's good at juggling.


Tret smiled, took a deep breath, and straightened up as the door was opened. And then he was attacked by a blur of blue. the bottles popped up in the air, awkwardly tossed when he was struck, but He caught his balance, wrapped his arms around Blue's sides, and caught both falling bottles barely by their necks behind her. Slightly shaken, not disturbed. “Well hello there, Lovely! I didn't think so either! You've gotta focus though! there's training to be done! Can't be burning all of your energy teleporting back and forth for every party you hear about, Blue!”


Novine uncrossed her arms, seeming to find Bonslette's approval sufficiently appeasing.

“If you two will be around for a bit, I can make your hair cute too,” she offered, fingers itching. “Maaaaaybe if you let me do it, you'll have more success with that boy,” she teased.

[Bonslette and P'Lami]

Bonslette twizzled an end of her otherwise short and neat hair before shrugging to herself. P’Lami on the other hand picked Novine up, shaking her and whipping her on unkempt shoulder length hair wildly, making it look somewhat like a lion’s man’s that had been abused by nature.

P’lami: “aRe yOuu saYinG I’M ugLyYy!?”


Blue reluctantly dropped down after giving the hyur another tight squeeze, wriggling out from his arms in such a way that he could still keep the wine bottles intact.

“I didn't use up no energy this time! Veldi helped me get back here, which is prolly for the best, I don't think I can do it again for a while.”

Wasting little time, she grabs Tret by his wrist with both hands and proceeds to drag him inside the Abigor home.


Novine laughs wildly as she tries to free herself from P'lami, pushing at her hands which only added to the fray of activity.

“No! All my sisters are pretttyyyy!” she maintains between her chuckles. “But you could be prettier!”

[P'lami and Veldi]

P’lami made a sound like she was boiling over with rage, but put down Novine and laughed it off anyway.

Meanwhile, Veldi who had already gone through more than half of her bottle stood up as she saw Tret, moving awkwardly towards the kitchen and coming back with a hunk of roast.


“Veldi? Really now! Will have to thank her too! Just grabbing a ride from everyone here lately.” A bit nervous still, Tret crosses the threshold with his breath held, then grins and relaxes when he doesn't explode into a fine mist. “Holy hell, its a packed house tonight! Eligor! Novine! Lami! Other people I don't know yet! Good evening! And you!” he rounds on the au ra stuffing her face with bird “My dear sister-in-law, here ya go!” He chose a bottle at random and held it out towards Veldi “Thanks for bringing Blue out!”


Veldi shrugged again with her mouth full and took the bottle before shuffling off to a corner of the room.

Around the same time, another two figures appeared in the doorway. One was cloaked head to toe in a festive colored hoodie and mask, while the other appeared to be a miqo’te dressed as a saint. The latter was Alkaid, and while she nor her companion spoke upon arrival, Alkaid did casually go over to a sofa before plopping herself down.


Blue let Tret make with his colorful greeting, slipping away from him with a gentle squeeze to his elbow. “I'll be back.”

She then makes for Veldi's corner, slumping down beside her as the newcomers drop in. Blue tilted her head, curious as to the identities of the both of them, though the latter looked extremely familiar.


Lami smiled.”Been awhile Tret, glad ya see ya well.” Finishing off her drink. Finding herself grabbing another and even a spot of food before finding herself back on the couch. Simply enjoying the atmosphere of people enjoying themselves or otherwise. Munching quickly on her small morsel.

Waving as the new pair walked in.”Good evenin’ , Alkaid. Been awhile fer ya as well. Seems ya doin’ well enough.” Sipping from her drink.


Blue pricks an ear, calling out to Lami, then the subject of her interest, waving merrily at the miquo'te. “Oooh, Alkaid! Its been so long! Happy Starlight!”


Alkaid: “Happy Starlight.”

The hooded figure tried to make its way towards Eligor but found itself quickly tackled back outside onto the front lawn.

P’lami: “LUNIE!”


Tret resumed the path of the cloaked traveler after they were disposed of and he was left alone by Blue. He approached Eligor with his remaining bottle and offered it graciously“Merry Starlight to you, friend. Appreciate you inviting me back into your home. Much more lively here than when I last visited, neh? Been well? Didn't get a chance to talk with you after our fights the other night.”


Eligor: “I see. I don’t really drink so you can throw that to the guzzlers behind you, but it is nice that you brought something. You were looking for a chance to speak with me?”


Novine grinned as P'lami stormed off. “Well fine! Guess you're not gonna get any prettier then!”

Wiggling her fingers at Alkaid in a cheery wave, she made to take Bonslette's hand in her other and drag her over to sit by the fire with her. She intended on sitting quite close to it on the cushions arranged around the floor as she liked.

“Did you do anything fun while traveling? I wanna hear a travel story!”


Lami gave Blue a questioning look before smiling.”Ah yes. Happy Starlight.”She said finishing her drink and setting the glass down. Not intending to participate in her usual ritual. Moving slightly away from the gathering offering Novine a light wave. “Happy Starlight.” She said with another smile before sitting on the less populated portion of the couch more content sidelining herself for the time being.


Blue meanwhile reaches up to tug at Veldi's sleeve that is not currently holding food. And then tugs again. “Hey.”


“I feel rude if I don't bring something to a party. And I always like to keep tabs on those that come to me with vague and oddly worded questions, you know? Seem to recall we have some unfinished business from the other day too, but certainly not the time for that!” Tret set the bottle on a nearby table and turned about, stepped back beside Eligor, and looked over the throng of women before the them “I see a few faces I haven't met before. Your children as well, or cousins?”


Bonslette: “Not much to hear really. Spent most of my time–”

Eligor: “They are my children, yes.”

Bonslette: “Gods father, we arent kids anymore!”

Eligor: “Convincing statement. I suppose you don't want your special cider anymore then.”

Bonslette shot daggers at her father, exhaling slowly through her nose before turning back to Novine, making an attempt at appearing calm and composed but a vein popping near her forehead, along with a rising blush in her cheeks.

Bonslette: “Anyway, I'm stuck with P'lami most of the time, so most of it is cleaning up whatever mess she pulls us into next. Just a few moons ago she managed to get chased by the enforcers in Kugane so that was…well, horrid.”

Veldi looked blankly at the chaos before she was nudged, turning her head towards Blue while taking another gulp from her bottle.

Veldi: “Mmm?”


“Well what'd she do to manage that? Obviously broke some kinda law.”


Tret could only chuckle and shake his head “My own dad always said no matter how old we got, we'd still be just 5 in his mind…. Any sons then, or all daughters?”


Eligor: “All daughters now.”

Bonslette: “We were eating out that night and one of the drunken patrons tried to hit on her. She ignored him so he poured sake on her. Then when she continued to ignore him he threw her beef bowl on the floor and, well…she can get defensive about her food. She was on him before I could do anything. We were in a back corner too to when everyone saw how bloodied he was and how she was fine and…well they kind of assume foreigners cause trouble, so one thing led to another and we ended up hiding out in a fishing village for the night!”

During this story, P'lami was getting dragged back into the house by ear by the hooded figure that was apparently Luna, still trying to hug the latter's leg while saying “ouch” over and over.


“Is this how you usually spend your Starlight?”


Veldi: “Drinkin? Yeh.”


“Nuh, I mean here. You always like drinking, but you could be at a bar somewhere like Lami was.”


Tret looks down, regarding the top of Eligor's head for a moment, then back among the festivities. He'd wander then into the kitchen, poking around and returning with a plate of a little of everything he could find “Your other daughter make this as well? Smells far less spicy than the stew was.”


Blue tips her head up at the Veldi. “You're kinda enjoying yourself. Even just a lil bit!”


Eligor:” Pheria? No it was just myself and Novine today.”

Veldi almost spat out her liquor.

Veldi: “No, not at all! It’s just that if I don’t come that witch will hunt me down and do something worse than just sitting here an’ gettin pissed with footstools an’ people what don’t know the meanin of quiet!”

Luna had finally released P’lami, freeing her up to jump on Veldi’s lap to smug smile up at her.


“Witch?” The Xaela asks before blinking at P'Lami as she pounced Veldi and giggling at her fellow lizard's plight. “Still…not that bad of an alternative.”

“You get to spend time with people you…uh..”

The girl scratches at her cheeks thoughtfully. “Not totally hate! Maybe, I dunno everyone else well enough.”


Novine made an amused raspberry sound as Bonslette described their plight. “With all the laws they have over there, there should be one about throwing people's food on the ground. He deserved it! How far did you have to run?” she asked, attempting to get her story whether she had to rip it from her piece by small piece or not.


Bonslette: “It was less about how far we had to run and more about how far we had to swim….in the dark….for bells…”

Her expression darkened before P’lami cut in, snuggling more into Veldi’s lap.

P’lami: “She cried because she got caught in a net and thought she was getting eaten by an underwater monster!”

Bonslette: “SHUT UP!”


“And you're not shooing LamLam off. Could it be you secretly like cuddles?”


Veldi: “Long as she aint messing with my drink or screamin in my ear I couldn’t care less.”


“I wish I'd known that earlier. I coulda gotten away with so much stuff.” Blue teases before leaning back against the wall and closing her eyes, coiling her tail into her lap.


Veldi: “That’s different. It’s a holiday. All of you suck but I’m not about to put you through a wall and have everyone chilly jus cause I’m not feeling whatever holiday moods taken hold.”

P’lami: “Does that mean I can clean off your face paint and give you a makeover?”

Veldi: “I’ll hurt you.”


Lami snickered abit watching this whole exchange. Having sat slightly removed from most of the chaos. Tapping her chin abit before looking to Eli.”Did ya invite me knuckle dragging Brother ta this little gathering?”


Eligor: “I didnt send him one, but Pheria did. Doesnt look like he likes the idea.”


Blue opens her eyes, stands up, and goes around the room, picking up all of the random bottles of alcohol scattered throughout.


Clicked her tongue.”Bet if I pinch his ears he’ll show… but no fun if he’s not interested.”shrugging as she looked back to the scene of the Abigor Family gathering.


Eligor: “Rhaulla also cant show this year it seems. She's probably just lost somewhere though.”

Quite suddenly, a bellowing gold flame appears in the doorway, growing larger until abruptly blew away like a breeze, revealing a little lalafell inside. It was Raziel, dressed to impress in a Starlight themed cape and a thick karakul trenchcoat, also Starlight themed.

Raziel: “Your sovereign has arrived! You may now shower me with tribute!”


Blue is the first to spaz at the giant ball of flame at the door, nearly dropping the 6 or 7 full bottles of alcohol in her arms. One manages to slide down and the Xaela panics, wriggling and squirming to keep it from dropping further. She squeaks.Thankfully, her tail coils around, the spade at the end deftly popping the bottle back up into Blue's hold. She proceeds to stare at the newcomer, greeting her with a pleasant “Hiya! I have these bottles but you have fire, so I'ma just move these away..” She backpeddles over to Veldi with her findings.


Tret… Simply stood there, Munching on a bit of vegetable as the doorway lights up. His brows did raise in suprise, however, and he turned to place his plate on a table long enough to offer a polite golf clap “Excellent form, Costume catches the eye, and stuck the landing. Nine of ten. Someone has a flair for entry.”


Eligor: “Dont compliment the brat, it encourages her to get worse.”

Raziel: Who's a brat!?

Eligor: “Who just singed my floor?”

Raziel puffs out her cheeks and throws a fireball, but it is quickly dispersed by Luna's form diving in and backhanding it away before pulling the irate child into a hug, apparently mumbling something into her ear.


Lami looked over Raziel with a keen interest. Having made a few identifying mistakes with her counterpart, Novine. She wanted to get a good look at the flashy young Lalafell. Though finding herself without a drink now annoyed her so she quickly scurried and found herself one feeling far more comfortable now.


Veldi ignored Raziel altogether, choosing to address Blue instead.

Veldi: “So why are you getting bottles all the sudden?”

Veldi: “Time to give the cat another bath?”


Blue carefully begins to set each bottle down, and then plops down into a cross-legged position across from Veldi. She uses her tail to slide the liquor closer, looking up only when she was done, the Xaela smiling brightly to her fellow lizard. “How many?”


Veldi: “How many what? I dont get it.”


“How many do you need to get into the holiday mood? I can get more…”


Veldi: “…..”

She scratched the back of her head and looked towards nothing in particular, trying to think up an answer.

Veldi: “This is about good enough aint it? Not like anything bad is happening.”


Blue cups her own face with her hands, simply staring at Veldi. “I never see you smile, even when no bad stuff is happening! I won't be happy till I see it!”


Veldi: “Frowns are the smiles of the uh…drink inclined. The more I frown, the deeper the smile.”


Blue twitches.

“I've seen Lami drunk. She smiles sometimes.”

“Also, I'm pretty sure I'm older than you. Don't be lyin' to your big sister.”


Lami's ears perked up at her name. Looking over at Blue and Veldi with a confused look. Not really wanting to insert herself into the conversation but she was curious none the less. Would Blue succeeded in her task and Get Veldi to perform what could only be described as unnatural to her?


“I mean, or better. She didn't get perfect marks because of the scorched floor, mind you. Always room for improvement. even with super flashy entrances.”


Raziel nodded at Luna and walked around her, eyeballing everyone in the room one by one until her gaze fell on a plate of cookies, eliciting a gasp.


Veldi: “Smiling just aint my thing. if I gotta drink to get there is it even gonna be what you think you want?”


Blue glanced over in the direction of the yelling. Squinted. Oh, she's right in front of the- hum. Awkward. It was just one cookie.

Not a fan of fire for several reasons, Blue proceeds to crawl on all fours over to Veldi's side and then wriggle behind her before calling out to Raziel, “UHM. I JUST HAD ONE..”

Clearly momentarily distracted from the conversation at hand.


Eligor: “That wasnt for you brat. Mayhap if you thought for more than a moment you'd know it wasnt for you alone.”

Raziel's eyes came to an immediate glow, sparks flying from her mouth in her quickly mounting rage.

Eligor: “The brat is hard of hearing now too it seems.”

Raziel's rage was not something she could suppress for long. She leapt across the room and tackled her father before biting viciously into his arm with her sharp teeth.


Blue just sorta watches the scene unfold for a moment, briefly looking to Veldi. “This normal then?” And then just burying herself behind the Xaela because it was still quite comforting and there was no reason not to.


Veldi: “I mean…I guess? Girl's always been a little shite but this is better than last time I guess.”


“Okay, that's good. She's got a good grip there. I remember those days..fighting with Tret like that.”


Tret slowly steps away from the smaller man, edging towards the kitchen as sparks kicked up again “…El, That doesn't loo-” And there she went. Tret instinctively raised his plate to ensure it was clear of the charge when Raziel rushed by him. This seemed like it might be a good opportunity to help, but no one else seemed to be moving either. He looked up and locked eyes with Blue as she reminisced about the time she did the same thing to him, and shrugged


Blue notices and blows a kiss at Tret before curling up and settling for merely watching everything else go on with Veldi for the time being.


Novine clutches her stomach as she laughs, picturing Bonslette's predicament and just seeing the slapstick scenario blossom from there.

“That makes me wanna go with you sometime! I feel like I'm missing out on adventure!”

She eyed Veldi occasionally, curiously, and hesitantly here and there, as if not quite sure what she wanted to say or how she wanted to approach her, but Raziel's grand entry stole away her attention quickly enough. With her eyes falling on Luna now she pushed herself up from her position and joined the number of small running festive beings in the room, jogging over to her to get her own hug.


Bonslette: “I mean you can for sure but you’ll have to wear a uniform and say a little speech and stuff. And Pheria can be very particular about how clean things are…” P’lami goes rigid in Veldi’s lap, while Eligor twirls around with Raziel clamped onto his arm. She was on there quite tight, growling like a tiny bear until he reached into a pot and retrieved a stick with something gleaming and blue into the corner of her mouth.

Eligor: “THIS is for you, brat. Your sister made it.”

She bit down harder on his arm, drawing blood until she noticed the taste spreading in her mouth, letting go and gnawing on the candy for a bit.

She apparently approved, as she shot one threatening look at him before twirling her finger in the air and floating over the stairwell, enjoying her candy quietly.


Novine looks over her shoulder. “I can wear whatever! Already had to to visit Raziel - I'm curious to see what you all do n' it's annoying that I don't see everyone more,” she decided at last. She looks up to Luna. “You too.”


Blue stirs from her zoning, eyes staring out at the blue-thing-on-a-stick briefly that seemed to sate the lil lalafell before her ears heard Bonslette say something particular.

The Xaela reaches over and pokes at P'Lami to get her attention.

“This Pheria person. She a wandering maid?” pause, lizard do a big think. 'Ah, are you and Bonnie maids too?“

Before P'Lami gets a chance to answer her, the blue Xaela wriggled a bit and joins her in Veldi's lap, beginning to go through whatever pockets the nonsmiling lizard has on her person.


Having disappeared for a short time… Somehow in the chaos, Tret enters the kitchen again with a dark towel, offering it to Eligor “That ahhhh… Yeah. Here. Going to guess that's not the first or last time something like that happens? Want me to get someone in here?”


Luna seemed to shrink a bit, turning her covered head to glance at Blue.

Luna: “You see me. I’m not fun.”

Veldi DIDNT have much of note in her pockets, few as they were in her festive outfit. Blue would have found a tiny pouch with some loose gil, a crumpled up cigar, crusts from sliced bread, and some stray bullets.

Veldi: “What, I’m a bed now?”

P’lami: “Little bit!”

Alkaid seemed briefly interested in joining, but instead turned her gaze towards the ceiling, seemingly entranced with the festive lights.

Eligor took the towel offered to him, but the wounds already seemed to be closing. In fact, he seemed far more concerned with the new holes in his sleeve than the puncture holes underneath.

Eligor: “Better than usual actually, but I’ll be fine. I’ve everything I need here for a swift recovery. Anyway, if you wanted to speak with me we can step outside for a bit. Less noisy out there too.”


Blue is clearly insistent, looking for something in particular. Still rummaging, “W-what'd you do with it? You gotta have it somewhere….” Blue is prepared to do a strip search if she must.


Veldi: “I dropped it.”

Quickly thinking better if her joke, she leaned forward and reached beneath her cloak for her thigh and unhooked the present from the small notch wrapped around her leg there. If one were looking closely, they might notice an extremely flat hollow-handle knife just underneath the present as well, but it quickly disappeared from view just as quickly.

Veldi: “You want it back?”


“Well would you look at that…” Tret took full notice of the lack of dropping blood, starting at the self healing arm for a bit before turning to the bottle of wine he'd brought. A quick rummage and he located a corkscrew, set to task to open the drink, and pours himself a helping of the pale liquid into a conveniently placed glass nearby “Sure, let's. I'm sure nothing will… Know what? I actually don't. But we can roll the dice.” A raise of the glass, and Tret turned, giving a signal towards Blue, Veldi, and the littler Lami before he stepped outside into the cool air.


Blue looked pale, her poor heart just sinking up until Veldi unstrapped the prresent from her thigh. The change from despair to sheer happiness left the Xaela little in the way of observing anything else but the box. She wriggles in place. “I want you to open it!”

The box in itself was small and would have easily fit into one of Veldi's many pockets alongside her crusts and bag of gil. The wrapping was messy, as if someone had gotten in a fight with literally just paper and string to bind it, though Blue had made sure to cover up the rough edges with a blue ribbon. Well, tried to anyway.


Lami had watched this all go on with amusement. “Does this mean pile on Veldi?” She said with a teasing grin, starting to say something else but she thought better of it. Sliding down her own couch looking over at Alkaid.”Ya findin’ yer way ‘round better then last time I saw ya?” She said with a curious gaze, her ears twitching abit as she asked.


“You don't need to be fun,” she states confidently. “Family can be boring. Father's usually boring but I spend the most time with him out of all of you probably. But now you make me wonder. What do you like doing that's fun for you? We could do that thing! Gotta be better than getting stuck in a net.”


Bonslette: “Hey!”

Eligor wiped off his arm before following behind Tret, slipping one of the aether candies toward Novine as he walked out of the house proper.

Veldi on the other hand quickly snapped her hand out in chopping fashion, barking at Lami. Veldi: “Oi, I'll put you all in the dirt!” She briefly tilted her head towards Blue, but Veldi kept a death stare on Lami as she spoke. Veldi: “You want me to open it right now? Might get snatched if its shiny.”

Luna was distracted by the chaos going on, but did an awkward shaking movement that seemed an attempt at shrugging.

Luna: “F-fishing is fun. And it tastes good.”

Alkaid on the other hand seemed dead to the world. Despite her eyes being wide open and her having arrived just recently, everything else about her seemed to give off the inclination that she was asleep.


Blue considers Veldi's words, side-eying P'Lami for a moment. “Nothing shiny…but something I dun really want snatched away..” Her ear fins give a wiggle as she thinks to herself. “Okay…maybe a little bit later.” Leaning forward to whisper at her fellow lizard. “Or maybe when everyone else is distracted..”


Veldi: “Yeah sounds fine to me. You get anything to drink yet?”


Blue's tail idly clinks at one of the many alcohol bottles that are around them before shaking her head. “Haven't seen anything interesting to drink yet.”


Veldi: “Still aint into drinkin?”


Novine giggled in triumph as the candy was passed to her, immediately popping it into her mouth and blinking rapidly as she felt the aether in it start to mingle with her own. The best part seemed to be that she didn't really have to swallow it like food, so she happily rolled it around in her mouth, tucking it away in her cheek as she worked away at it slowly but surely.

Luna's quiet behavior didn't phase Novine as she grinned up at her and nodded. “Then fishing! We should do that. Not sure I'll be good at it, but it can't be that bad really… We could camp and I could cook them with fire! Don't worry, I'm good at cooking with fire, I'm not just gonna blast it to ash or anything like that.”


Blue blinks a bit and raises her hand, fingers beginning to lift. “Well…I like cider a lot more now, 'specially if there's apple bits in them. Anything kinda bubbly sweet is nice. Oooh, and hot chocolate is always good but definitely not for mixing with alcohol.” The Xaela makes a face at the latter idea before leaning against Veldi with a tired little huff.


Veldi: “I dunno about chocolate but I know the footstool makes Cider every year for the prissy girl.”

Bonslette: “I can hear you! I'm not prissy!” P'lami stretches in place before nuzzling more into Veldi's lap

P'lami: “She's so prissy~”


Blue seems to perk up the slightest bit at the mention of cider, casting a glance back behind her and only now noticing that Tret and Eligor had both wandered off somewhere. She blinks a bit. “Hum..” Momentarily distracted, before calling over to Bonslette, “Are you the keeper of the cider then? Can I have sooome?”


The blush returned to the elezen's cheeks Bonslette: “I-I'm not a keeper of anything! He just makes it when I ask so I can watch him add the spe–…….She clears her throat “So its still nice and hot!”


Blue tilts her head. “Spe?” She repeats, eyes wide and curious, enough so that she reluctantly lifts herself up off Veldi in favor of approaching Bonslette with all the fervor of, honestly, someone who is probably just thirsty. She even lifts her head and sniffs for the welcoming cider-y scent.


Bonslette: “Nevermind, I'll just make some for you!”

Disembodied female voice from outside: “HAPPY STARLIGHT EVERYONE~!”


Bonslette delves into the kitchen, while P'lami swiftly jumped from Veldi's lap to dash outside like a cartoon, disappearing from view.



Eligor stepped outside after Tretesta, hissing a bit at the cold air before looking around the yard idly.

“So what did you want to talk about anyway?”


It was a relatively quiet and crisp night outside, and Tret was found taking a proper look at the outfit he'd hastily assembled, picking at the slightly billowy sleeves “Hmmm… Maybe. I could grow to like this I think…Hm? Ah, yeah. Well, it's more about what you wanted to talk about. You got pulled away on something urgent during our last little meeting, neh? Plus, being out here means slightly less chance of your daughter attacking, I imagine.”


Eligor: “Not particularly, no. Remind me what we were speaking of before? It's been an eventful time of year.”


“Yeah, I can imagine. Something about being concerned about Blue with her being away. Feeling some connection to me. I wasn't sure if you had some real…. Point to it all.”


Eligor: “I think that more or less covered it if I'm being direct. I could try to get more specific but the underlying point was that I felt a similar inclination from you. I think understanding like that is, often far better than something like trust. Even if I cannot trust in your actions or your character I believe I can understand the borders–or lack of them–that would drive you in specific situations.”

Eligor: “Mutually understood interests.”


”….I don't believe I've ever asked you to trust me, Eligor. But you did invite me into your home twice now, show me some interesting things you keep hidden away, and asked me to help with a project. I'd say theres a level of trust one way, at least.”


Eligor: “That was not out of an interest of trust. I wanted to give you weapons. There's no need to search for something to strike at if you already know what would be agonizing for your enemy. You can say whatever you'd like, but if I thought someone I loved might be in danger–if even a little–I do not care if it is only a possibility, I would not rest until I find something that I can use against them. There needs to be a plan just in case the worst must happen. If I cannot protect what must be defended, then I will at the very least assure mutual destruction.”

Eligor: “It may not be perfect, but you have some tools to work with now. With this, you at least should have in mind that I would not harm what you care for without a reason good enough to risk what I have.”

He looked upward, clicking his sharp teeth as he gazed at the night sky above.

Eligor: “If I trusted you, then I would not need to reveal anything to you. I'd simply assumed you'd keep our interests protected together.”


Tret turns to look up as well, weighing the words for a few moments “Here you are, twice now, speaking in ways that make me think you might be some kind of danger.” Tret takes a few steps forwards, sighs, turns, and looks down to the fiery headed man with hands on hips. “Between the two of us? I'm really trying to be good. Really trying. Keep my head down, do my work, love my wife, and live. And here you are, talking about giving me tools, like you want me to be on even ground with you. For… Something? What do you want me to do?”


Eligor: “It's not about what I want you to do.”

Just then, a light clink was followed by a figure appearing near the miniature aetheryte. It was the form of a tall hyur, clothed head to toe in Starlight attire, and carrying a sack to boot.


Eligor: “Oh? Finally done with the holiday rounds Pheria?”

Pheria: “For now! I wanted to come by to give everyone their presents first!”

Suddenly, a red blur out of the house and towards Pheria, but without even missing a step the woman simply leaned forward a bit, causing the red blur to go flying past and over the railing into the neighboring house below.


Tret's gaze remained even on Eligor, Holding for a moment after they were joined before he turned with a smile to greet the new guest “Well Merry Starlight to you as well!” Turning between the two that knew each other so well, something clicked.

“Pheria? AH! Yes! The chef! I had some of your stew a few weeks back!”


Pheria beamed at Tret, reaching into her large sack

Pheria: “I'm glad to hear it! For you, I've got….”She pulls the mystery present out of her sack before presenting it with flair “…A chocobo egg doll! You can squeeeeeeeeeze it all you want, and it will always return to it's original shape!”


Gently taking the proffered present, Tret studies it for a bit before squeezing it as instructed. sure enough, when he let go it popped right back to shape, eliciting a chuckle from the man “Well would you look that that! Thank you! I don't have much in the way of something to give back…. Ah! I could give you a recipe of mine to try, if you'd like it?”


Pheria: “Please leave it with father! There's more presents to deliver!”

Pheria's gaze lingered on Tret for some time, but soon enough a red blur flew towards her again, prompting Pheria to catch her and spin around while the girl latched on.

Pheria: “For you, I've gotten some brand new daggers, and these slippers!

Despite spinning around and having a miqo'te latched onto her, she did not seem to have any difficulty procuring the items from the sack, tucking them neatly into P'lami's outfit before lifting her off with one hand and throwing her over the roof.

Pheria: “Be careful not to lose them okay?” She held her smile and gave a final bow to Tret before moving towards the doorway, stopping to speak to Novine next.”


Tret returned the bow and watched as the two women went back inside. While he still kept a smile, it was not present in his voice and he did not look back down to Eligor as he spoke again “Well, if its not about what you want me to do, and not about what I want to do, what is all this? You don't give a man a gun and expect him to not use it.”


Eligor: “This is a celebration. Besides, just because someone hands you a weapon does not mean you need turn it on the one who handed it to you.”


“No, Not…. this” He made a broad gesture around and towards the house, then followed with a back and forth between the two of them “This. That's what I'm trying to figure out. You've just said that you gave me a weapon that can be pointed at you, El. You wanted me on even footing with you. Like we're bound for a duel.”


Eligor: “This is a problem of overthinking. Just because I gave you tools does not mean those tools will need to see use. If it was my plan to harm you or yours, what would I possibly have to gain by giving you anything to harm me? Would you…put your wife in harms way for the sake of fairness? I somehow doubt you would.”

Eligor: “That I have offered anything is security. The potential for mutual destruction acts as your shield and deterrent. You need not fear any sudden acts of wrath because you have the ability and the means to make sure that I suffer in some capacity for it. Is that not clear enough?”


“And yet, it will always be at the back of my mind since, you've brought it up. You know, I had nothing but a name for you, at one point. A somewhat eccentric man that Blue knew. Did some odd things, but who doesnt?” Tret shook his head and turned away, folding his hands behind his head and walking a slow circle in thought. “…Why on earth would I even begin to think of 'Sudden acts of Wrath' before you specifically said that?”


Eligor: “Your circle of friends have a very specific view of me. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that you would come to share it.”

Eligor: “But you can go in circles thinking about it later, can you not? I did not bring you here after all. This…conversation…exchange…however you wish to see it….it is work. Tonight is for my family. I'll be happy to circle the drain with you tomorrow onwards, but today….I honestly just do not care enough.”


A bit of levity returned to Tret's words as he scratched the top of his head and stretched. “…If I shared that view? I'd still only have a name, friend. Back inside then, and I'll cling to the edge of the tub for as long as I can. Might need you to help me with writing down that recipe, though. Maybe I can give Pheria something you'll like too, neh?” With that, He started back for the house, pushing the door open and holding it for the smaller man


Eligor sighed.

Eligor: “That sounds good to me. I'll be back in a bit though, gonna go check on Onini.”

He looked up at his roof now, cupping his hands around his mouth.

Eligor: “Lam you better not get sick up there! I'll make you drink Yami's remedy again!”

There was no words in response to his call, only a frightened yelp before Eligor vanished into black smoke, P'lami jumping down from the roof and scooting into the open door soon after.


Tret simply watched, a bemused expression across his face, at the small amount of madness. Almost made him homesick. As Little Lami dashed in, He shook his head then and muttered to himself, following after. “Is it too late to go back to a quiet life? Eh….” And closed the door behind him



Novine didn't wait for Luna respond and dashed over to the window to look outside before making it to the door, hanging off the doorknob without leaving due to her still not wearing any proper shoes. The cool air rushed into the otherwise warm room, possibly refreshing to those who were too warm, but likely annoying cold for those who weren't.

“Happy Starlight!” she called cheerily, waving and being a nuisance to everyone else who wanted to go outside or come inside as she took up the space, candy still tucked in her cheek.


Blue flicks her ears at the sound of yelling outside. It sounded familiar..but she was more interested in the sudden dispersal in the room, plus the distractions outside leading others to look away, swiftly making her way back to Veldi and taking up the entirety of her lap with little mercy. The Xaela pokes Veldi gently in the chest. “I think it's safe enough now.”


Veldi shrugged and put her 99% empty bottle down and began tugging at the present Blue gave her, hardly taking note of the wrapping job at all.

Pheria: “Well dont you look happy this year? I've gotten you a present, but honestly I'm not sure how much you'd like it. I'm worried~”


Lami froze for a moment now that she knew Alkaid had checked out of the building. Seeing Pheria she'd rubbed her forehead. Reminiscing about their last memorable encounter.


Blue watched her unravel the messily wrapped object, her eyes very much focusing on the small metal tin that would have emerged upon opening. The tin itself seemed rather plain in appearance for the most part, though the front was indented in the shape of a small orchid flower. When the tin was opened, the pungent smell of cigars would be the first thing to be noted.

It would be around this point that the Xaela would start fidgeting. There were five cigars inside the tin in total, and while Blue had no idea what kinds Veldi even used, she'd picked out the ones that smelled like the smoke the woman wafted out at her on their various meetings.

However, it was not the cigars that were making the Xaela nervous. On top of these cigars would be a small, carefully folded note. Blue looks away in a rare show of bashfulness. If the note were unfolded and read it would written in elegantly-penned black ink that a certain miquo'te had helped jot down:

Dear Veldi,
I'll never know what's best.
Sometimes I think I do and then I just end up tripping and falling anyway, losing sleep and worrying over things I can't change.
But you always end up finding me and you always help me get back up again. You make me feel safe when nothing else makes sense.
So what if we aren't related? Blood don't matter. It doesn't ever matter.
You'll always be my sister.
I'll keep on trying to do better and be stronger, Maybe one day you can rely on me too if you ever fall yourself.
It's Starlight and I don't really know where you are right now, but wherever you are or whatever you're doing, just know I'll always be there for you.
Love, Blue.

Blue braces and prepares for the inevitable look off into space moment, kinda just drowning everything out in favor of leaning on Veldi again.


Veldi read the note over quietly, squinting at some parts here and there. Once she had finished, she folded the note up a bit more before tucking it into her collar.

Veldi: “I don' really celebrate much, so uh…I didnt really get you anything.”


“I dun need anything.”


Novine nods vigorously as she hangs off the door, pushing it open even wider to invite Pheria inside. “What'd you bring?” The curiosity had bitten her and she would think of nothing but the possibility of a present for the time being.


Veldi: “Maybe I'll have somethin next year.”

Pheria: “Well~ actually, it was something Luna and Bonslette made together. I just helped with the materials.” She pulled a small box from the sack and handed it over. “You should open it with Raziel. It's a paired gift.”


Blue smiles. “It's the thought that counts anyways.”


She takes the gift from Pheria with a very quick “Thanks!” that was uttered as she was turning away to locate Raziel, heading over to where she was excitedly, long braids bobbing as she jogged around the house, her energetic footsteps rhythmically pounding against the floor.


Raziel was still floating above the sofas enjoying her candy–or at least she was until Pheria showed up. The moment her voice broke into the house, Raziel had straightened up and sat like a little statue, one bead of cold sweat going down the side of her face.

[Novine] Novine hops onto the sofa next to her, snuggling close holding the box between them. “We're supposed to open it together. Do you wanna open it?”

Novine clearly wants to open it, but knows Raziel would be the one who would throw a fit if she wanted to do it.


Pheria had already slipped her way into the house now, handing off a new foldable fishing rod to Luna, and a brand new wand and book for Bonslette. Alkaid was given a sleeping mask, until finally she settled Lami, reaching into her sack with a massive smile on her face.

Pheria: “For you…” She reached into her sack again, pulling out the present proper “I've gotten a shipment of fine lumber and wine!” She handed Lami a small stack of papers with a detailed manifest “For use or resale! Up to you!”


Lami blinked abit. Taking the gifts with a small nod.“I…Uh…Thanks.”She said with an awkward chuckle now looking through this small stack of papers curious to what their contents might be.


The Manifest was mostly stacks of lumber. Specifically, 400 stacks of Persimmon lumber. The liquor was far less in quantity, but was altogether around two dozen bottles of expensive wine (that will remain unspecified cause I cant remember FF wines atm).

Raziel barely unfroze as Novine spoke to her, but she did manage a rigid nod.

“Raziel: Y..Y-yeah, lets open it!”

Now done handing off her present to Lami, Pheria twirled about to face Veldi and Blue, smiling down at them both.

Pheria: “Now isnt this cute! Someone might want to paint this moment!”

Veldi: “Fuck off.”

Pheria: “And she's still shy!”


Novine took Raziel's rigidity as permission and began to open the the gift, lifting the lid clearly concentrating single-mindedly on the contents as she tossed the lid next to her on the couch, holding the box between them.


Blue looks up at Pheria. “Ahhh I knew they were all talking about you, Miss 'Names are silly, you don't need mine!'” Said in a playful tone however, the Xaela is sated with curling up further on Veldi.


Pheria: “But they are silly! Anyway, I've got a special present for you two…” She gave a creepy laugh, prompting Veldi to flash the gun just under her cloak….which elicited an even creepier giggle.

Within the box that Novine opened was what appeared to be hollow ornaments. Or perhaps it was fairer to call them attachements. There were two of two colors each, one silver, and one gold which prompted Pheria to crane her head upwards to explain.

Pheria: “Oh, those are for your crystals! Everyone thought it would be cute on you but we know about the uh…well, you know, so we designed it so that it can fit around them! Now when they glow it will be even prettier, dont you think?”


Back inside, Tret pushed his sleeves up, fetched his left behind wine, sniffed it, and scanned the room. Oh hey! He made a beeline across the room for his other favorite frustrating to talk to person, and sat down on the couch next to the comatose Alkaid. But he wouldn't speak. Was nice to sit for now.


Pheria turned her attention back to Blue and Veldi again, still holding her smile before reaching once more into the sack.

Pheria: “For our new friend, I've got….” She pulls the present from the sack “A stuffed doll of Veldi! It's filled with herbs that smell nice and there's an easy to open access on the back so you can change out the filling. Also…She reaches in once more ..”TADAH! It comes with a little dress so you can finally dress her up! The limit is only your dreams! Speaking of dreams, it's great for sleeping with too! Limited edition, and there's only one like it! We might make some of Novine and Raziel in the future for mass production though.“


Novine fishes a pair of them out of the box and holds them in her hand, flipping them over and examining them, studying them and considering them before closing her fist around them for the moment.

“I see! Thanks,” she says, her eyes swiveling between Pheria and Bonslette, looking around for wherever it was P'lami had found herself. “I'd been um… thinking about that for awhile since I got it.”

She reaches up under her bangs, fiddling with the little silver covering, attempting to affix it in place.


Veldi looks like she's about to explode, but before she can utter a word a big pouch is dropped next to her lap.

Pheria: “And for the Starlight patron that spent her money getting presents for children everywhere….we have thank you notes! And some candy! Be sure to read them all alright?”

Pheria: “I think there are some doodles in there too, but since they didnt see I had to describe you. It might be a little inaccurate!”


Lami waved at tret casual.”Enjoyin' the evenin'?“ She said as she watched Pheria make her rounds about the room.


She looks over to Pheria as she describes the dolls and wrinkles her nose. “That's creepy - bunch of people sleeping holding little… effigies of us.”


Blue blinked at the strange laughter coming from Pheria, jostled a bit when the gun was flashed before settling again.

Looking past Pheria, she took note of Tret's return, squinting at him to make sure there were no bites or singe marks or stab wounds else the dragon would come out and things would get mighty awkward up in here.

But! He looked fine and soon the Veldi doll filled Blue's line of sight and the girl downright squeals, reaching out for it and the dress. She beams and hugs it to her chest. “Thank yooou!”

Her attention shifts soon however to Veldi's own gift. Blue is not at all surprised with this revelation, reaching over to poke at the sack quietly.


Raziel: “Hm? But we already have shrines.”


She looks to Raziel and sighs. “I wouldn't really know all about that stuff. That's different though. I'd rather have a shrine than imagine a bunch of weird strange people cuddling me. Kids chewing on me….”


Raziel: “My glory will be known far and wide! Tis natural.”

She didnt seem altogether bothered by the idea, but she was keeping a careful gaze on Pheria as she spoke, seemingly ready to flee at a moments notice.


Tret caught Blues worried gaze and gave her a rougish wink before he had flopped onto the couch. “Oh, you know, Lami. Picking at some food, having some drink, watching the small chaos that is Eligor's family. Wanna know a secret?” He looked around conspiratorially, then leaned over Alkaid slightly and lowered his voice “This all feels… Normal to me. Makes me miss years gone.” Tret sat back up, threw an arm across the back of the couch, sipped his wine, and relaxed, guarding the comatose 'Qo'te with the sorta pirate captain.


Lami laughed at that.”Well can't say the same. Though I guess the sorta chaotic nature is rather familiar.“Taking a sip of her drink.”Not gettin' into a drunken fight for the first time in sum time will be nice.“ She added as she made herself comfortable. Now cursing herself for doing something as stupid as wearing a dress.


Carefully tucking the Veldi doll against her bosom, Blue coils herself around the sack like a dragon on a mound of gold. She looks to Veldi, eyes twinkling. “You wanna read some of the things?”


Curious now, Tret looks over to Alkaid, then reaches across and waves his hand in front of her face “Weeeeell the night is young, Lam-Lam. There's plenty of booze and family. Usually a good combo for a great fight. Maybe insult Veldi a bit. Call ahhhhh- whosit- Raziel a child or something. Taunt Bonnie about boys til she breaks. If you can't fight with anyone, you can always fight with family!”


Blue snorts upon overhearing Tret, grabbing at the 99% empty Veldi-approved bottle and flinging it for her lover's head.


Tret was too busy being amused with himself to notice the bottle whipped at him. He had only a split second, catch the bottle, deflect it, protect Alka-DINK! the bottom of the bottle popped him square in the forehead, dazing the man and flipping straight up into the air. As Tret woozy slumped back into the couch, the bottle landed nearly in his lap, seemingly unharmed


Veldi makes a face like she was just force to smell moons old festering garbage.

Veldi: “Hard pass.”

Alkaid seemed to start as the sound of mostly empty bottle hitting people jerked her awake, turning her unblinking gaze to the side for a moment before jumping from the sofa onto the stairs, curling herself into a half-sitting kind of bed rest position.

Alkaid: “This does not seem restful as I was informed.”

She turned her gaze towards Luna, who seemed particularly interested in staring at the fireplace now.

Not long after Eligor reappeared in a wisp of black smoke, now sporting a saints hat in addition to his apron.

Eligor: “Nothing seems to be burning down yet. Consider me impressed.”


Blue giggles as she knocks some sense into Tret, though the flicker of a frown appears at Veldi's answer. She doesn't push it though, unfurling herself from the sack in favor of dropping back on top of Veldi. She grabs at the tin of cigars and buries it into one of her pockets.

“It's still nice of them, and nice of you too. Didn't think you'd be much a fan of children,” she teases.

Ears flick at the surrounding noises and voices, and Blue turns her head to keep watch.


Veldi: “I hate kids. It’s preventative. Like maybe something good happens and someone that would have become a right shite ends up being better for it. Easy investment.”


Blue gives her a strange look.


“I guess that might work sometimes. But kids are more complicated than just that.”


Veldi: “Everything’s more complicated when you make it that way.”


“Says you.”


Coming to his senses and shaking his head, Tret looks around. There was suddenly an empty spot between himself and the senior Lami, so he looked about, not spying his elusive and short phrased friend. He clicked his tongue in disappointment, then looked about the room, taking stock of who was still hanging around. Luna at the fire… Eligor… where the hell did he get that hat? Is he about to play santa? There's an image. Raziel, Novine, sure. Where did Pheria go…


Blue shifts around a bit before hopping up onto her feet and stretching. “I'ma see how the rest be doing. Would you like me to bring you back anything?” She asks Veldi while unwinding the ribbon from her dress to wrap around her new toy.


Veldi: “Nah. Got my drink so I’ll more or less be set for the night.”

Pheria had somehow drifted to Alkaid on the stairs, in the process of explaining to her how to use the sleeping mask with the same smile on her face.


Blue nods and makes it about as far as the couch that Alkaid vacated, Tret is slumped on, and Lami is sipping of the fine beverages. She claims the vacant spot, if only to plop down onto Tret's legs, taking the empty bottle from his lap and setting it on the ground. Hidden by the back of the couch the Xaela looks up at Tret, a sulky look on her face. “Couldn't even get a head pat..” Blue murmurs, voice low and full of disappointment.


Tret started to move the bottle when Blue sat, but was beat to it. As she flopped over, he placed a hand on the scaled forehead and stroked it softly “Ehhh, some people are funny in public situations, lovely. Will have to give her shit later, neh? All that work….”


Compared to Raziel's rather stuff posture, Novine was more comfortable and at ease that she probably had ever been. Her eyes regarded her father as he popped back into view. She wrinkled her nose at Raziel's response and snuggled against her, wrapping her arm around hers.

“Yeah, yeah. Known as far and wide as some kid's mouth. Doesn't sound all that great!”


Lami had been caught off guard by the unusual nick name.”L-Lam lam??” She looked at tret as he found himself pelted with a bottle at most poetic moment. Snorting abit taking a sip of her drink swishing the contents around pleased with her newest choice.


Blue wriggled a bit in Tret's lap, nuzzling her forehead into his hand affectionately, though her response quavered. “I-It's okay.” A lengthy pause. “So…what have you been up to then? Enjoying the party in your own way?” She then blinks over at Lami, smiling gingerly at her remark. “Lam Lam is a great name, specially cause there's two here! There are worse nicknames to be had.”


“Getting to know some folks a little better, yeah. It's funny. I was just thinking… All of this? Made me miss the old days a little…”


“Yeah? I guess I could see that. There was just more people fighting. Perhaps if there were a fighting pit in the basement, It'd feel just like home.”


Eligor looked to Luna, shaking his head.

Eligor: “Still wearing that cover up are we? Don’t want to let me see your face?”

She turned towards Tretesta and Blue, rubbing her arm a bit before speaking up finally.

Luna: “I don’t want to be rude or scary…”

Eligor: “I don’t see anyone in here that’d be afraid of you.”


Blue wriggles around a tad, hearing traces of the conversation nearby. She pipes up near immediately, rolling around to look at the hooded figure of Luna and waving her hand a bit. “Don't hide who you are for our sake! I won't be scared of you, promise!”


Tret's attention was drawn as well when Blue called out. He looked about the room briefly and shrugged “Seems like a lot of family and people that know you here. Whatever makes you comfortable, miss”


Luna looked around the room at everyone—most of whom were now staring at her—and relented after a time, removing her mask and lowering her hood.

Underneath, her reason for hiding herself became clear. The girl had hyuran features, but with extras attached that would stand out. Extras like drooping elezen-like ears, coeurl-like eyes, long fangs that protruded from her mouth, and (perhaps more noticeable now that her face was visible) a concealed tail beneath her robes. She clearly did not enjoy the staring, as she made strides to avoid the gazes of everyone in the room.


A look of genuine excitement crosses Blue's face, her face markings suddenly flaring up into a faint glow. The Xaela's tail wags up a storm, threatening to batter the couch and Tret into oblivion. Noticing Luna's uneasiness at being looked upon however, glittering eyes look away soon after, not wanting to upset her. Staring down at the floor, Blue cheerfully compliments the woman. “You're beautiful Luna!”


At the first 'Whump” of tail, Tret's hand darted out and grabbed it, wrapping it around his wrist win one motion as if he'd done it millions of times befre. He nodded in agreement with his wife and closed his eyes, leaning back against the couch “Absolutely adorable, even.”


Raziel: “I’m cuter!”

P’lami had already kept across the room to tackle Luna again, only to find her lunging face smushed uncomfortably against Luna’s gloved palm.

Eligor: “Yes yes how about we all calm down a little and enjoy the rest of the night?”

Though peaceful, the night did not go quietly. For once, the quiet house off by itself in a hidden corner of the Mists was a place where laughter and merriment could be heard well into the night. It was little wonder then that far away within the Lavender Beds, Eligor and Novine both managed to miss the first timid sprouting of the new darkness to come.

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